mountain biking on a road bike - insane video

Apologies if this has been posted before but it’s definitely worth watching.

must go thru a lot of wheels…

I’m fairly certain that’s Martin Ashton, a famous UK mountain b*ke rider in the van at the end.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s him doing the riding too.

its hard to tell but theres at lest 3 diff. bkes.i would more then that even.but thats cool for being on a road bke

That makes a great ad for the bike/wheels he’s using in there. He must have excellent, light-on-his-wheels Trials skills. Probably can make his Trials bike last forever! :slight_smile:

Now let’s see him ride through sand. :stuck_out_tongue:

That was a cool video. Nice skills … :slight_smile:

Profile is overrated anyway (for bicycles; and a bit for unis too).
So the impressive part is really that good body suspension he’s capable of.
And his other Trial skills, too…

I guess he would run and carry it on his shoulder, Cyclocross-Style.
I actually find this method far cooler than riding some beachcruiser sort of bicycle that is just slow and loud on tarmac.

He did! It was wet sand on the beach though… Also, right when he leaves the beach onto the rocks, I love how many tire tracks there are on the sand there!:smiley:

Do you reckon he’s got solid tires fitted on the bike?? And the creepy laugh at the end (lol)

No. Just high pressure.

Wow. He must spend alot of money on tires. :astonished:

He needs to get a uni. :roll_eyes:

Showing my age here! But I seem to remember back in the late sixties cycle cross developed for road racing cyclists to keep fit in the winter. It was a televised sport in the UK back then as well.

Initially they used the same bikes as their road bikes - so what we’re seeing here is nothing new - just way more spectacular!


Crossers may have the same geometries as roadbikes but they are built more stable and use wider tires with studs. Some recent ones even have suspension forks. So the approach is different: they do alter the construction for offroad use.
This man does everything by riding technique.

Q: “Is suspension and profile stronger?”
A: “No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.”