Mount rushmore

Hello all
This summer my family and i are going camping to Mount Rushmore from winnipeg Manitoba. I am bringing my bike and unicycle on the trip. I was wondering if there was any good spots for trials street etc. around Mount Rushmore. Thanks

I don’t think of trials and street at all when I think of riding around the Mt. Rushmore area. The first (and only) thing that comes to mind is muni. The Black Hills area is a muni paradise. Lots of MTB trails in the Black Hills. It would be a treat to go biking and muni riding around there.

Keep in mind that Mount Rushmore is a national park and cycling opportunities (especially street and trials) will be very limited in the park due to park rules.

Best to think more about muni in the Black Hills. Google for MTB trail info and maps in the Black Hills area.

I doubt there’s any more there than there are anywhere else…there’s no trails, that’s for sure…you could check out the Badlands for some desert-ish muni…there are places where you can go…very few, but it’d probably be fun…

No trails?? I have never ridden there, but I have done some rockclimbing directly behind the faces. From a highpoint all you can see are - trees, after all it is in a national forest, and we got to the area on - trails. I always stayed at Devil’s Tower (a must see by the way), but I would imagine like all parks there would be something trial-worthy as well. Beware though some areas are considered sacred there and poor judgement could result in some fines. An example would be I think in June is the month there is no climbing is done at the tower while the american natives of the area perform some ceremonies there. To go there and start jumping rocks on a uni would be poor taste…

something tells me you can’t be on the heads where Peter Griffin outran Mel Gibson, can you be anywhere near on top of the heads?

I also think the Team America offices are out of Bounds

Yes there are plenty of trails, as some of us saw on that new TV show Treasure Hunters the other night (finding clues on Rushmore trails). The point is that these are hiking trails. Though some of them may be legal for horses, it is highly unlikely that any dirt trails in a park like Mt. Rushmore are bike-legal. When in national parks, to me, no bikes is equivalent to no unicycles.

But with plenty of legal trails in the Badlands, hopefully you can get to some of those. They even have a MUni Weekend out there.

i have been there a few years ago. Muni is for sure the thing to do over there! The terrain is perfect for any kind of Muni. Otherwise… :roll_eyes: i guess u could uni in and around the “Look Out” place at Mt. Rushmore.

  1. yes, it’s June.
  2. not only is it poor taste, it’s illegal

I didn’t see any [bike trails] around Mt Rushmore…the only things I saw were either walking trails, or just wooden paths

I’m not sure why you say that, and this thread and this thread and this website would disagree with you.

This thread would have been appropriate for RSU.

No, they just say that there’s muni riding in the Black Hills…when he said ‘around Mount Rushmore’ I thought he meant in the actual park of Mt. Rushmore

I live in the area, (northern black hills, but pretty close…)

There’s all kinds of riding in the hills, depending on where you are. there are many many many awesome trails in that area, not really in the mount rushmore memorial park but outside it in the national forest. Rapid City, which is a ways northwest of Mount Rushmore, has good street and trials downtown (at least for me). You can also find some natural trials spots around that area, probably pretty close to mount rushmore. I don’t really know, since I haven’t been there that much and haven’t looked for lines, but I’m sure you could come up with something.

How long are you going to be in the area? I could probably hook you up with some rapid city riders I know, or maybe even come down myself. If you wanna talk to me go ahead and pm me or email me or something (leifj at rushmore dot com)

Is mt rushmoore that place w/ those pressedents heads

it’s where the presidents are, yes

i think i will be going to rapid city. How big is it?

wait isnt that washington DC:D :smiley: :smiley:

I can so imagine so amzing trials line or muni line of jumping from face to face up thruogh threir noses and stuff
man that would be a great movie