Mount Name??? How To??

I have seen a mount alot which looks really good and i want to try and learn it.
You start with the uni on the floor and you run up to it place one foot on the pedal and the seat and you pull it up underneath you and ride away. Im sure someone knows what it is called and can give me some tips on how to do it.

the kick up mount. Ive never been able to do it but that sounds right and is how people have described it to me.

If you run sideways, it is called a kick up mount.

EDIT: Argh, timbob beat me to it.

ok thanks any tips on how to do it?

here is a nice little explaination it’s easier to use the search feature in the future, just a bit of advice… not trying to sound rude.

I can skate mount on a unicycle which is weird if you think about it. But pretty cool once you learn it. :smiley: :smiley:

I can’t seem to picture that in my head…do you have any videos of you skate mounting?

Sorry to threadjack, but Haz started it. :stuck_out_tongue:

found this on youtube

I was trying a kickmount a few weeks ago

I tried for a few minutes and got pretty close a few time, I started with my left foot on the crank and then kicked the seat up with my right foot. I could get my left foot onto the pedal perfectly and sit down on the seat but I just could get my right foot on the pedal, It kept sliding off.

perhaps its like he starts with a foot on the crown and goes into a glide?

“I can’t seem to picture that in my head…do you have any videos of you skate mounting?”