I’m posting here because this is off topic in most replies…
I’m trying, unsuccessfully, to think of something that might be off topic in MR. I’m also trying to determine how Most waste of time is different from MR in any way.
There is a difference, i assure you.
Ah. Thanks. That puts into perspective things well worth bearing in mind.
I’m rather tired of being misquoted, Greg.
Let me edit that for you to correct it:
I’m rather tired of Greg.
When a man is tired of Greg, he is tired of life.
Now that’s more like it.
Greg is wearying to be sure. But in a good way. A life affirming way even.
Is it because I’m the only poster that has a sub 3.5k post count that I don’t get a word of what you’re bantering about ? Apart from 768, that is.
BTW, could one come up with a new definition of the magic number by adding 768 and 42 and dividing it by some other magic number yet to be discovered (maybe the number of posts in MR3 before it gets deleted again…)
that number sounds good!
That depends, and for Harper, that will likely happen sooner than for me
What was your question again?
Ah yes, 3500.
No, I believe the cut off is 3450.
As for Greg, well, you could use a gun I suppose, but then you’d probably get wrapped up in a discussion over whether your choosing a gun because you’re a red blooded American or because you play violent video games, so yeah, just run him over with a car, it’s easier that way.
Hey Wes, how in the world did you get so many posts!? Get back to your studies!!
Damn slacker kids these days.
HEY! I am stuyding with a break between each question to post some
Yes all kids are slackers
Especially in this day of age.
Yes mr hazmat they are! i will admit it! i do slack
I just left the important parts.
Nothing wrong with that.
good! we all are in are own since
We are all UNIque and there is nothing wrong with that.