Is the “most replys” thread ever going to stop getting replys???
do you really think so?
yes i really think so
people are going to keep replying to that thread untill the end of eternity
It’s not a thread, it’s a chatroom.
It’s not a thread it’s a chatroom.
-Shaun Johanneson
True, so true
now this is what theis site needs!
A chat room!
Gabber on the Gabbly, you Gabber!
Will people ever stop posting new threads about Most Reply’s?
I think that as long as Most Replys exists, the new people will create new threads about Most Replys
MRIS will usually prevent it from getting past the middle of the page if it ever even gets down that far (rarely).
There’s no way peple will stop replying. It’s tradition. As long as this forum exists, Most Replys!!! will thrive.