Most Pointless Thread Competion '09

my entry last year

beep boop bop beep.

beep boop bop beep. bzzt.

I nominate this thread.


I can’t believe noone has nominated it yet.

I second this nomination

No one has nominated hardly anything.

I nominate the vending machine thread, threadjack, and the thread about shoelaces tied underneath unicycle seats.

I think that the entries should be pointless, yet awesome… or entirely inane, yet popular.
None of these semi-random “Daaaaavid Haaaaaaaaaaaaaassselhoffffff!” threads should be eligible.

I’ll make an exception. The “Circle?” thread turned out to be awesome.

Some of the religious threads deserve mention, too.

Theres only 1 ‘a’ in hasselhoff, along with one ‘f’ in my spelling, and a period not an exclamation point.

Just a disclaimer, i do not make my threads for this competition, i make them for my own reasons.

It almost make me angry.

Just so I don’t forget:

This is unibikeling’s entry until further notice.

Not my entry, but it deserves mention.

most pointless

did somebody say pointless threat? I’d buy that for a dollar!

Even I think thats a bit mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Any spam is excess spam, and this comp can only mean spam.

This is the only time his meanness is OK.

I’m not entering spam. Yeesh. Otherwise, that guy who posted a bunch of dirty jokes (one thread per joke) would qualify.

I’m thinking more like this:

While the opening was not necessarily pointless (there was already an Addict thread, but whatever), the subsequent discussion…ah… yeah…