Again, we want to make the trophies as pointless as the entries. Feel free to make them more so. Yes, in the spirit of pointlessness the second trophy is a giraffe unicycle. Of course, they will have to have the point of displaying the winner of the competition, so, ummm…
Aaaah, that was the first reply [THREAD=66668]last year[/THREAD], too. Of course, that was only 5 months ago, but the 2010 competition will be held whenever I feel like it as well.
I’ve reported this thread to Gilby and urge all you who don’t like the to do the same. This forum is already boring enough to read with all the inane threads there are. Don’t need a competition which strives to outdo all of them and create even stupider ones. And Gilby always goes on about everyone being a moderator and using the “report bad post” button. Well, this whole thread is bad.
I’m just going with the times. I can’t remember the last time I saw a really good thread on here.
At that point wouldn’t it just be spamming him?
Why do you want to censor me, anyway? I was just making a point. That doesn’t mean the competition isn’t on, though
BTW, anyone else who puts the word pointless in their first post will be sued for $1.
In my opinion, threads made specificaly for the purpose of being random as not really that random. I say we vote for the most random so far. I nominate the one about ‘how many five year-olds can you take on’ or something. It’s old, but it was great.
You can’t have a competition between thread titles (unless it’s about bad titles; one of my peeves), there’s nothing to compare them to. How about a competition among threads created during 2008 that are pointless? They would have a track record to prove their pointlessness!
Quick! Someone make a politicaly and/or Religiously controversial thread that will end up at the same place it was after 2 posts, while surpassing 2000 posts!