Hummm yep, Dan de Man is deffinatly going to be a contestant for this prize.
I already gave the award to redhead
The entire thread has more spelling errors than Miss Ayerly’s seen in her whole life! The poor lady would have a heart attack if she dared to read the thing…
You missed “grammer”…
Search for some of Rhysling’s posts. He was a spell-wreck artist.
Cut dan some slack, I’m not 100% sure what his first language is.
And don’t forget about our friend Logan_A.
He had some peachy moments.
I thought of Logan_A at first too, but he wasn’t particularly bad at typing, he was just annoying. really really annoying…
NO Pleez , dat wooden’t beef air:p
thinuniking had some great posts from time to time:
and my analysis of his post:
Wow that sounded like some of my posts!
i like that max isnt that serious and may spell bad. it shows hes not all uptight.
redhead submits another entry into the misspelling contest (even though he already won, IMHO)
that is an impressive entry…I am quite surprised he got the first word capitalized though.
way back in the day i was pretty terrible… but i have no grammar skylz… i just use the “…” instead of any grammar… cuase i suck at it…