They don’t actually try to hit me, just throw stones in my general direction. (It has happened 3 times in the past year). I think it’s only the yobs trying not to be impressed by a pre geezeress and not knowing how to express themselves.
I does make me feel like I’m living in a rougher neighbourhood than I thought. But I think in general the countryside has less tolerance for difference than the big towns (in Wales anyway).
Cathy: They will never get anywhere with that sort of attitude, just like 10 minutes ago these guys let down my tyre down (i had a pump on me so i was allright) and were really trying to aggitate me but i just kept a cool attitude and asked for it back but they got quite agressive, probably because i wasnt getting annoyed but eventualy i got it back and walked off, now what would happen if i punched him in the face dont worry people WILL do that kind of thing but (not saying that you do this ) dont stoop down to their level and keep it…COOOL
I always get my shins bashed but every now and then have a harsh bail and land on my ankle all funny, that kinda hurts! Lucky for me i have now invested in some shin guards
Oddly enough, most of the nasty pedal bites I’ve recieved are from helping local winos or kids who demand to have a go on my uni.
I really need to learn to stand out of the way, but the nice person in me wants to catch them and catch my uni at the same time.
We wont mention the bruised ribs (looks away and bites finger).
I don’t want to talk about it.
I’ll add id to the list: a combination of inedibility and saddle-soreness.
It’s just stones kicked up by your grippy mUni tire and your break-neck speed!
Bring those disgusting orange marshmallow “circus peanuts” to throw back at them . Maybe that’s an American circus thing. Maybe you’ll know what I mean…
my main concern: Achille’s tendons … I have a propension to get those sore.
the other way round with me: is it that my neigourhood is more uppity than I thought, or that they pity me , or that they fear being eaten alive ? the only remarks that may hit is when someone is wondering if I am not over-protected with all my gears on (which is true!).
never had anything worse than some pedal bites and skinned ankles from landing with my feet too far in on the pedals and banging them on the cranks, I’ve always landed on my feet but I guess it helps to have mastered stilts in a week and to know how to land, and I have never broken any bones in my life
My first fairly bad injury was trying to learn how to idle, and I slipped off the front of the seat and left big toe took the brunt of my fall. At that time I was still wearing my crappy shoes with holes every 4 inches on them and my toe came in contact with the ground and felt like it broke in half. Luckily it wasn’t actually broken, but it hurt to walk for a few days.
And the wierd thing is…i got this sensation like it was almost wet…but after spending 6 mins setting home, limping (just about), removed my hard to remove shoe, to see that…NOTHING HAPPEND!!! (sorry to build up the suspence:p )
I lost a toenail on my big toe from a muni UPD. Wasn’t a big deal really. Didn’t make my toe so sore that I couldn’t ride comfortably. Ankle sprians are worse cause they keep you from riding and take weeks to get feeling good again.
What is worse, you sprain your ankle, but tear a ligement too. Because of the torn ligement, my ankle is still slightly swollen, and will take 16 weeks to heal.