most hated family in america

part 1, contains links to other parts.

these people are crazy.

People like that are a disgrace to humanity. I won’t say they don’t have the right to be ignorant, prejudiced, assholes, but I really wish they wouldn’t be.

They should be forced to watch this like 1,000 times!

They have no business judging others. The God I believe in will probably feel obligated to punish them for their actions and attitudes, especially the ringleader. I can’t imagine what these young, impressionable children will be like in the future. I can’t understand why you would stay in America if you so clearly hate it.

There beliefs, in my opinion, are more dangerous than those of the average moderate religious person but no more irrational.

They saved the best bit for last. The too brief talk in part 7 about what it was like to grow up in a family like that. That was just about the only time he got some real answers instead of all the biblical phrases they learned by heart.

My God, what have I done?

I agree 100%. I guess with freedom you must accept the good with the bad so they have the right to do such things, but that doesn’t mean they should. I mean even if she is and ignorant, prejudice and filled with hate( she really has no logical response to what her signs say/her beliefs…) why does she need to pass it on to such little kids. Just think these children will have close to no social skills if any at all… sad part is it really is not their fault… I can’t imagine how they act or get along with other people especially in a public school system. Also I can’t believe how disrespectful they are to the people fighting for them weather or not they believe in the war they could show some respect by at least not being complete assholes to the family especially ones that have lost somebody. Over all I must agree with the guy in the white SUV “you fucking bitch” also what will happen when one of her kids or family dies what will she say…After So many people have worked hard to stop prejudice and hate there are still people like this it is sad really… In the end she hurts herself and her family more than anyone else…

just read the 1st comment on the page, i agree with whoever said that. UGGh i wish i could just shhot people like that and tell them god is a lie and that they are fucking retarded

I strong disagree with their beliefs don’t get me wrong, but with freedom you have to accept the good with the bad you can’t just pick and choose to your own likings because well that would not be freedom… Also saying god is a lie is a bit close minded nobody knows the real answer they might think they know, but no one really knows… It is up to yourself to decide…

id be willing to give up some of my freedoms if it could supress those kinds of people, in my opinion supression of ideas by the govenrment beats racist theological ignorance

Yeah, but what else would they suppress? Where would it stop and how exactly would you go about suppressing them. How would you choose which to suppress or not how you anyone be able to pick which it fit to be depressed that would be strictly based on opinion… Also you could not guarantee you ideal ideas would be the ones that aren’t suppressed… It would only fit a select people we need something that works doe all… well most so freedom is the best to go with…

You’re a smart dude, Michael.

Det-riot, where do you draw the line? What’s to stop someone from outlawing your viewpoint? I’m sure that your anti-god view is just as offensive to them as their discriminatory view is to you. You might not like it, but you have to accept that they have the freedom to be assholes. If you’re able to take that away from them, then there’s nothing stopping them from taking away your rights that they don’t like.
Freedom is just that. The ability to be free. Anything else, and it’s distorted. It might look like freedom, but it’s really not.

Thanks:) and yeah I try to be as open minded about these subjects and look at them from all angels not just from my point of view which many don’t do. I look at it like this we think they are assholes, but they probably think the same about us so who is to say which of us is right? You can’t really say it is personal judgement and personal judgements may seem like freedom, but it really isn’t freedom. Freedom is where everyone( yes every single person) can be free not just the people you like/ agree with. You cannot say we will take what suits us and accept that as freedom you have to take everything else with it even what you don’t agree with to have true freedom…

Aaaarrrrg! You’re worse that they are. Your cure is worse than the disease.

I not only tolerate what they have to say and the way they say it, I also fully support their right to do so.

They’re an interesting group in that they create many free speech challenges by people and cities that try to restrict their rights to free speech. They take those people to court and win. When they win a case in court they get money. That money just goes back to supporting their ministry and church. Did you notice that many in the church are lawyers or are studying law?

Yeah the best thing to do is accept for what it is and if you disagree with it ignore it simple as that…

I’m only half way through the 7 parts in the full video. I’ll watch the rest this evening.

It’s an interesting take on the way the BBC did the documentary. Present the family and the personal side instead of focusing on the more obvious controversial message and tactics side.

Free speech is different in the UK and Europe. This situation is probably confusing to many in the UK. They’re probably wondering how the church is allowed to do what they do. Is that addressed at all in the documentary? I guess I’ll find out this evening when I watch the last half.

Example- your finger hurts so you cut off your arm that way your finger will not hurt anymore…

Seems to me the subject line is wrong. Shouldn’t it be The Most Hateful Family in America? Note: I didn’t watch the whole thing.

I support their right to spout their beliefs, just as televangelists spout theirs, fortune tellers spout theirs, and politicians spout theirs. Fortunately I can do this without having to agree with any of it. That’s what freedom of speech means.

Are those parents f-ing up their kids? Yes. But so are lots of other parents, by not caring, not being there, being druggies, or just being overzealous about anything. In other words, I don’t think Child Protective Services could make a case about removing them.

ya know…Im speechless.

That’s the most disturbing thing I’ve seen in a long time.

Kids, don’t do drugs.