Most Bush Views

given the current slew of pointless political threads and “other” forms of forumnal entertainment, i figured why not combine the two?
instead of having a(nother boring) poll, just show your support for your chosen candidate by viewing the relevant thread as often as possible



Someone is a little biased…and he can’t even vote…

bias1003.bmp (133 KB)

and did this blistering insight escape u ENTIRELY while u contemplated the fact that i created these threads? :thinking:


Interesting idea.

The reason I mentioned the bias is that not only did you create them, but you’re probably the leading voter for the Kerry one. I think the creator of such a “poll” should not vote in them.

the Patriot Act at work
being accused on a ‘probabillity’ and allready being assumed guilty in the ‘press’
thank boris i ‘cant’ vote

the phrase ‘bored at work’ should spring to mind any minute now


No, the “who’s online” function of this site at work. You were in that thread for a while. I wonder if your boss is gonna make you replace the F5 key you’ve worn out.

Edit::slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Just like a liberal to set up a voting mechanism that allows them to vote an unlimited amount of times.:smiley: As well as allowing foriegners to vote.:stuck_out_tongue: Now if you can only figure out how to get dead people to view your thread you will be all set.:wink:

I have been dead since 1986. I voted Democratic in every election when I was alive and each election since I died. Are you happy now?


Can anyone besides Gilby trace his IP? I’m curious as to who that really is now.

Wait! But why is the dead guy posting in the Bush forum? Doesn’t he know that this will attract views towards the Bush vote? For a dead guy, he’s not that smart…

Damn you found out my secret plan. I had even the superleft GILD looking here.

Look, I’m dead! Capiche? I don’t got much going for me, ok. Except that I can vote, that is.

But you don’t wanna go messing with my privacy, believe me. I got friends down here and we make a trip once a year up your way. The whole voting thing only takes a few minutes, so we got plenty of time for some side trips.

But since you’re curious, I’ll just let you know that my IP address starts off 666 and believe me you, you don’t want nothing to do with that.

Ain’t you the one having hernia surgery, or something? That could go either way, you know.


despite all the drawbacks, it does seem to be rather accurate
at least in term of how close this election is expected to be

Funny, I always thought that Hell was the absence of internet…

to true absence of everything really

:slight_smile: The dead guy is probably the one that would point out the obituary.