More good news from the Overground

Va. Bill Sets Fine for Low-Riding Pants


Awesome! Too bad it’ll never come to Nevada…

Since i am from the not-so-wonderful state of VA, let me tell you about it. See, the virginian government really likes to control you. If you ever drive into VA, you will be bombarded by at least 15 signs on the road about not bring able to have radar detectors, no fire works, speed checked by rader and aircraft, and turn on your headlight in the rain, etc. i am not surprised at all. Virginia sucks.

oh yea… and I think sagging looks really dumb, but they have no right to tell you how you can where your clothes. I mean, cmon people, just because some kids wants to look gangsta dosen’t mean you need to fine them. They are poopooing on yer rights

What a waste of time and money. Lets waste our time making frivolous uptight stuffy laws and creep closer and closer to fascism instead of actually doing something important with our time.

I wonder if I get enough lobbyists to claim their offended by unicycling if we can make unicycles illegal in Iowa. Have you seen how shorts look on a unicycle? IT’S BLASPHEMOUS! Jesus certainly wouldn’t like it. It’s WAY worse than low riding pants. There should definitely be a $50 fine for that too, if not a year in jail!



haha HoW keep your pants up! hahaha thats great. The law could have been here like 3 years ago though.

amen brotha!!!:smiley:

what a load of pap! I’m not a huge fan of hip hop culture…But really, that’s just silly. It’s not as if there’s even bare skin showing. Someone should go and take pictures of all the billboards on streets showing scantily clad underwear models(not that I dislike 10 foot high underwear models you understand, but to show the inherrant silliness of that law).

Perhaps this’ll have the positive effect of getting kids in Virginia who are apathetic towards politics to get involved in some low slung jean protests. And what about really skinny people who can’t get jeans that fit.

Aside from anything it contravenes people’s right to the freedom of expression.

It’s happenings like this that make me less bummed out about living in my town. (Where last night I was chased down the high street on my uni by a bunch of scallies who’d been hurling bags of rubbish at shop windows …Boy did I wish I had shorter cranks…).


A bunch of people in Virginia should get a load of nazi uniforms with oversized low slung breeches and frog-march about in from of the state capital building or wherever it is the clothes nazis spend their time.

I’m sorry this is off-topic but it’s in JC anyway and I really want to know…are fireworks legal in many other US states? What about other countries?

They’re illegal in most (all?) states here in Australia which is a shame because like most people whether they will admit it or not, I’m a pyro at heart. :wink: Hopefully a friend of mine will be able to track some down though.

Do/did Americans ever celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? I’ve heard some great stories from people my parents’ age about the Guy Fawkes Day festivities. :slight_smile:

Okay now to swing it back on topic a little…
That news even made it to Australia! I heard it on the radio a couple of days ago. I think it’s ridiculous.


hahah youre now so much more awesome. Each state has a different law on it. The southron states are mostly legal it depends on the state, pennsyslvania is ilegal to have them (but i have them anywho) haha like have of my nieghbor have them too and use them. Its not really strict you just cant buy them here. North Carolina is the closest to me with them.

see, you can have fireworks, but they leaglly cannot leave the ground (like bottle rockets) I, along with a lot of people have tons of illegal fireworks. (don’t tell the feds!) the police don’t really care too much. We don’t celebrate Guy fawks, but there is 4th of july (independence day) where there are tons of leagal fireworks sold.

So how does it compare to the other states where you’ve lived? You probably haven’t. For the most part, wherever you live during your teen years (I’m guessing here) sucks. So it really doesn’t matter where you live then, because you’re going to be dissatisfied.

I used to live in Virginia.

When I lived in New York, I rembmer hearing high school students complaining about how it was so boring where they lived, with nothing to do. These people lived less than a mile outside New York City. Go figure.

Let’s see. For radar detectors, I’m not sure how many states ban them. I never used one. It’s like cheating. You should be able to avoid speeding tickets by skillful, sensible driving. I never met a person who used their radar detector to help them drive the legal speeds.

Most states either ban or restrict fireworks. In California it’s kind of a joke. The stuff that’s legal is all small and gets boring real fast. But restricting fireworks in a state like CA makes sense, because from around June to November, most of the state is a crispy tinderbox.

Speed checked by radar and aircraft? How unfair!

And headlights in the rain? I think this one is pretty common, but not sure. It makes sense. If you feel your rights are being infringed by not being allowed to be harder to see on rainy roads, you’re being less productive than the anti-boxer legislators.

However, all the signs along the road can get pretty annoying. Vermont is very good about that, where there are very few billboards at all. Problem is, you don’t know where to find anything! :slight_smile:

Back to the main topic:
I admit to not reading the linked article, but I saw something on this on TV last night. I feel really bad for all the copycats in VA who will no longer be allowed to express themselves by dressing alike. If your freedom of expression is this fragile, something’s wrong.

I’m guessing, but I think the police will be disappointed in the new law. People with their pants too low can’t run very fast!

I wasn’t saying that VA was a boring place, but it does have a lot of weird laws. stop yelling at me!:smiley:

In Nevada

Legal Requirements For Nevada

Based on the information available to US Fireworks at the time this data was compiled, the following legal requirements are in effect for the State of Nevada.

Bottle Rockets: 	Legally Allowed
Sky Rockets: 	Legally Allowed
Roman Candles: 	Legally Allowed
Firecrackers: 	Legally Allowed
Sparklers: 	Legally Allowed
Smoke and Punk: 	Legally Allowed
Fountains: 	Legally Allowed
Missiles: 	Legally Allowed
Novelties: 	Legally Allowed
Crackle and Strobe: 	Legally Allowed
Parachutes: 	Legally Allowed
Wheels and Spinners: 	Legally Allowed
Sky Flyers: 	Legally Allowed
Display Shells: 	Legally Allowed
Aerial Items (Cakes): 	Legally Allowed 

However, only on holidays…

But I usually go out with some friends and we have Roman Candle fights…

I believe you are missing the point. I think dressing like this is as dumb as the next guy, but it shouldn’t be illegal. IT’S NOT indecent. These people’s asses aren’t hanging out (that’s already illegal), it’s UNDEWEAR! Me wearing normal shorts with no underwear is no more indecent than a person wearing boxers with sagging pants over them. To say so would be the same as saying that if I wore sagging pants over my underwearless shorts that I would somehow be LESS decent despite wearing MORE clothes.

Furthermore, this is not what we should be wasting our time making laws about. The purpose of government is NOT to take away the rights of citizens. It is purely for protection and providing services. It’s not meant to be abused by intolerant special interest groups for the oppression of the non-voting youth.

Just because some old ladies get offended at the mall by saggy pants does not mean they need or deserve protection from it by the government.

What if those same intolerant people saw someone in bike shorts one day? Those are WAY more indecent, and I’d hate it if they were to make those illegal. You have to take a stand against frivolous oppression even if it doesn’t effect you, because one day it might.

I have always found it interesting that you don’t have people complaining about what people wear at the beach, yet they’ll cause a big fuss if they wear the same thing around town or on some shows on TV. Doesn’t make any sense to me.


This is a serious infringement of poeple’s freedom to dress as they choose. Also, it addresses the wrong problems. It is obviously a ploy to get the vote of old people and to increase government revenues.

exactly. Its one thing to say you cant have fireworks, but sagging! what ever happened to the bill of rights?

im up for that