Montana unicyclers?

i have never eer seen a unicycler in MONTANA!!! it sucks, i was curious if there were any out there, i live in missoula montana, if there are any we should meet up and go uning together

Theres a few of us, Forrestunifreak is the best i know of, theres me, theres a few kids in Whitefish, where I live, and Forrest has taught a few people as well.

dang it :frowning:

why dang it? we both seem to travel around a lot, and forrest is near missoula

cool how close to missouls is he?

Me! Meee!

Oh. Yeah I live about an hour from Missoula, towards Deer Lodge…

haha oh cool! we’ll have to hang out sumtime when your in missoula, do some unicycling at the U of M, its crazy fun there

cool, I’ve unicycled there. How old are you, what do you ride, and stuff?

im only 14, i have a “torker LX” but i dont think u can call it that, i out lots of stuff from my bros old Busted up DX, im ok i guess, im learning to grind, i can do unispins idle, go backwards, ect, i just started about 2 months ago in my garage, so id say ive gotten pretty far in such a small amount of time

edit: what do u ride blah…blah…blah, and “stuff”

Hey that’s cool, we should ride sometime. I’ve met several other riders in Missoula, but as far as I know they don’t ride much. You should ask at the Bicycle Hangar… Guy there would know of people locally in Missoula.

ya ive seen 1 other unicycler, right when i started, he says " i didnt know 7 years olds could be that good!" i frowned and explained how when on a graffe everthing looks smaller, but i am pretty short i kicked his ass tho