Monster Bike

Check out this bike (here). Pretty cool.


thats a big bike,and a new turn on the old bikes. old to new

haha! woah, would that be like a tractor tyre?
it’s freaking beastly!

prolly so.i would think at lest.

I MUST HAVE ONE! And I must have it squeak as it pedals, as in the video. It’s more better that way.

From the article: “Built around a giant truck tire”

Reading, it’s not just for grown-ups!


Only happens in the netherlands!!! :sunglasses:

give me one now. please.

Hey Kris, I want a muni frame to fit that, can you sort it?:smiley:

Really? You mean there isn’t a single other country in the entire world that has a single person who would build their own wacky bicycle?

i wish i had a giraffe with a wheel like that

I wish i had a coker with that tyre. :stuck_out_tongue:

All these nerds in here and nobody has called the tricycle a tricycle yet?

A monster-truck tricycle. Notice how tired the rider was by the end of the video, only half of which was spent riding!

The tire probably outweighs the rider, not even counting the rest of the hardware. Good thing it’s so stable; It might be hard to generate enough speed to balance a two-wheeled version of that… :slight_smile:

Hmm…a monster tricycle. I think i may have found a new concept for me to do. :stuck_out_tongue:

take it down the steepest street in the world. then it’ll be stable. :stuck_out_tongue:

This one can be found in Dunedin, New Zealand… Grade = 35%.

I have to go there someday and speed unicycle that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hoping for a scene of him pumping it up with a standard bike pump! Do a fade to title screen: “7.5 hours later…”

Is it a fixie!? Where’s a hipster when you need one!?

I think the poster was referring to the fact that only in the Netherlands do they build bikes with a total disregard for weight. :wink:

i think…i need one

Me 2 actually. :smiley: