
If anyone here takes photos, (i hope at least some of you do…) you should really check out this site. Shutterstock

I got a new camera for my birthday and have just been taking random photos of fire and flowers and stuff and uploaded them, and so far I’ve made like $53 :smiley:

(be sure to take a bunch of pics of FIRE!!! one that I took made $7 on its own and I’ve only had it online for like 1 week)

This seems like spam. This and the shoes thread. And the watch threads. What’s up with all the spam lately?

Its not spam :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i need to go buy a camera.

I’m buying a camera as well.
Don’t even begin to think I’m going to give you a ref though. Sorry, I’m not a big fan of referral system’s, I only use them to scam websites. Turn their own programs against them.
How long has it taken you to make this $53?

lol, why not be referred by me? :smiley: (nah its fine)

For the $53, it’s taken me like 3 months… BUT I havent been very serious about uploading very many photos. If I was serious and uploaded maybe 5 photos per week (which is actually probably easy) I could be making $50 a month.

But even this little amount of money is good enough for a 15 year old like me.

On the forums at the website, they were saying that there are a few people on the website that actually make over $1000 per month! :astonished: :thinking: :roll_eyes: :angry: :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that Im taking better quality photos, im starting to earn over a dollar a day now.

Doesnt sound bad. A trickle of cash flow can pay for a pop or movie ticket or something small like that. Which is nice, cause I hate going into my main flow of money to pay for little things.

Yeah, exactly… And if you dont have a credit card (like me…) you can buy stuff online with Paypal instead of using someone elses credit card.

I have to upload a picture of a government issued ID? Nevermind

Thats pretty cool once I get a camera I’ll have to start doing that!
Thanks for the link.:slight_smile:

Are you sure? I never had to do that… :thinking:

Np :smiley:

And just so you guys dont freak out, it will ask for your credit card… But it only charges like $0.01 to make sure your not faking it.

Yeah, just like the porn sites I frequent! It’s legit guys, don’t worry.

Why? Bet you can’t get a (real) job without having someone make a photocopy of your license or ID. If they’re going to pay you, even a little, they need to know that you’re you.

Oh I know that. I just don’t have a government issued ID handy lol.

Well (at least when I signed up) they give you a choice of either using your credit card, OR sending a copy of your ID.