Money Problems - I'm confused.

I have a basic theorey about positive and negative purchases. All the things you listed are positive except the xbox so maybe it’s not so helpfull.

Personally i would seriously consider putting some of it away for the future.

thats obviously whats happening, my dads making me put 1/3 into savings, but i might be able to change it a little, or get soem more money from him, so i could make up the money to buy the camera.

I’d put it all in a retirement fund and enjoy it later…but that’s just me. :slight_smile:

I have the solution. It sounds like you want the camera really bad but you don’t want to spend that much money right.

I just bought the canon hv20(the previous model of the hv30), and I got it for 500, and I’ve heard people have been able to get it for as little as 250. It’s because all the electronic stores(circuit city especially) are getting rid of the hv20s and replacing them with the hv30s. So the’re selling them out for cheap. I’m pretty sure its almost exactly the same as the hv30. I love mine.

So just go and check out your local best buy or circuit city and ask if they still have any hv20s in stock, or you can try ebay.

okay, the 250 thing form online, is a scam. But the 500, yes, brian O. bought one, and i know he got his for liek 500. I went to a local circuit city, and asked, they had none in stock.

edit: NOT buying cameras off ebay, bad idea.

I’d buy off BH photo vid audio, which they have them for 800.

i might check a best buy then. Also, you know how many frames per second the hv20 and hv30 can shoot in at the most?

No I don’t know how many frames per second they shoot. I just know they’re famous for this thing called cinema mode and its 24 something, I don’t know if it frames per second.

24 progressive mode, and the hv30 has 30p also.

The hv30 and hv20 both shoot a maximum of 60 interlaced frames per second, or roughly 30 progressive frames (what your computer sees). Its possible to interpolate the half fields of the 60 interlaced frames to achieve 60 progressive frames per second which would be slow motion but you incur a slight resolution hit (not the resolution as in dimensions, but the true meaning of the word in this case) and this is how most camcorders operate. The hv20 also has 24p (24 progressive frames per second) and the hv30 has 30p in addition to 24p and 60i which is good for uploading online as you don’t have to worry about deinterlacing and its still smooth.

I’d go for the trials bike and a way cheaper camera like this one

no. I’m not going for a cheap camera. The hv30 is the camera i’m going for. The hv30 is the best consumer camera avaliable. It shoots in full HD, and records to HDV tapes. I’m going to get into videography, so i’m going to buy the camera.

When my friends buy their paintball guns, i’m going to buy my friends gun. Then i’ll be wokring for more money, and try and get some money out of a deal wiht my parents for more cash, and help with the camera. I’m going to try and make a deal for filming for their floor cleaning business (which they need actual footage, not just stock stuff from their supplier). I’d spend a few hours filming, and a few hours editing with adobe premiere pro cs3.

I just got the hf100, which i think is better because it uses SDHC memory cards, but oh well. To each his own.

it has to compress the file to go on a memory card, no matter how good the memory card, you lose quality. Not with DV tapes.

I know, but for internet uses i dont really need true hi def anyway, and it is pretty close to true hi def.

…Have you considered getting the HV20?

yes… but its the same price on BH photovideo. And, its not at my local circuit city. so stop asking lol.

Get a Phat Bass Stack
ORANGE if you’ve got the moneys :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can find the HV20 for less than $500, link it to me, and ill probably buy it. =p