I guess ill chime in a bit more.
So would it be a full stack or a half stack? I would like a fullstack, but that would just make it harder to take places, and ive never had a use for a fulls tack yet. at all the shows ive played, and ive played some big venues, I havent had to turn the halfstack past 2 or 3, specially when the cabinet gets miced, then I let the sound guy adjust it through the PA.
If you are going to start playing shows, it is definitely needed, specially for bigger places. But if you are just starting, and only doing coffee shops/bar type shows, a 2x12 amp would still work fine, as long as its 100watts or more. Most 2x12 are 120s though, so thats no problem, and when shopping, asking the guy if it will get loud enough to compete against drums, bass, other guitars, vocals, and still be heard wont hurt. He’ll show you the right amps too if the one you are looking at isnt up to it.
So you can save by getting a half stack, or a quater-stack, haha, and still have what you need for playing.
For me, I went and bought a few paintball guns. Tippman 98 customs, and I cant think of the others. I had fun with that for a few months, but I havent touched them since then. Im glad I bought them from pawn shops and through connections so I was getting 80-90% off. Paying full price or more than $50 wouldnt of been worth it for me.
The trials bike, I would like to have one, but ive heard the are expensive to maintain. More parts to take care of, more parts that can break, and more money spent to replace those parts, or have someone else fix it for me. It would be fun though, but I know id end up not riding it much and possibly not riding it at all, cause the only aspect of biking I like is going fast, and riding my uni is higher than a trials bike on my priority list.
For the games, thats a never for me. I already have a ps2 and a computer. There are plenty of free games that equal or are greater than the games you have to pay for. 5, 15, 30,50, whatever it is a month, I can see going into my savings account, or put towards something that is better for me. Almost all the ps2 games are free to play online, all the games on my pc dont require payment, and years ago when I played RS, I didnt even pay the monthly fee of $5 to be a member. Im completely cheap when it comes to online gaming or any game really. Torrents and no-cd cracks are my friend.
I dont really need a camera, so id actually go for an amp first, but in your case, id go for the camera. Its what you have been saving for.
After the camera, id go for the bass or the amp.
But that depends, if you are going to start having shows soon, id get the amp first, then the bass. You said the bass is a cheap one, so it doesnt seem like it would take long to have enough money again to get it.
Yeah, anyways, its up to you. Flip a coin. Youll know right when it lands what you want.