Money Problems - I'm confused.

okay, I have my goal amount of money for the camera i want, but ive got other ideas popping into my head.

set one -

  1. trials bike on craigs list $325
  2. paintball gun and gear
  3. fretless bass off ebay (a cheapo)

set 2 -

  1. the camera i’ve wanted for a while, which i finally have enough money for.

set 3 -

  1. a stack amp maybe.

set 4 -

  1. trials bike
  2. x box and halo and live and stuff
  3. paintball gun maybe, if i dont spend too much money…

idk, i’m confused… too many choices

thats great and all, but i sitll need $200 for paintball stuff. Which i seriously need, since my friends and I are playing paintball at his house this summer a bit we think.

Set one to me just seems silly.

For musical instruments its not worth buying crappy ones or even not great ones. Paintball gun, unless all of your friends play paintball a lot and you will be able to afford paint all the time, its not worth it. I remember my friends planned on getting paintball guns, I got one then th idea just went nowhere and it was a waste, I have used it maybe twice. So wait until your friends already own paintball guns and good ones because a crappy one will break in a couple hours.

Trials bikes are cool, but how much do you think you would ride it instead of uni?

Just mooch off of friends xboxes, thats what I do!

Trials biking - i dont know where i would other than my yard, since my dad hates me unicycling in town on things. (i mean trials).

the paintball guns… uhh… I’m gonna be buying a 98 custom off a friend, huge deal, $130.

the guitar i’m talking about isnt that bad, its cheap, but isnt crap. I read a bunch of reveiws. A
Unicyclist Community - Reply to Topicparently, its fine after you change some simple things on it, like change the strings to round wound.

and x box, ive mooched off my friend, but i love playing online games. I’d love playing halo online, but its also a waste in my opinion.

I’ve wanted the camera for a longtime, but the deal with the trials bike is incredible. It’d set me back $325 though, and i’d only have… $515 left for money for $800 camera ive wanted for so long

and also, i’ve been longing for a vintage fretless gibson g-3… which is rare ish on ebay, and is around $700 i think.

i would go for the camera, cameras rock.

In your shoes, I’d probably go for the camera.

Here’s reasons against the other choices:

paintball - I’ll sell you my whole setup for $40+shipping. Gun, 20 oz CO2 tank, hopper, some old paint, and a few other misc parts. Used it a bunch of times, but my friends that played all went into the marines. It’s been sitting for a while, but I cleaned it before I stored it so its ok. I think the brand name is spyder. Not amazing, but functional and shoots pretty straight.

xbox - video games are, for the most part, a waste of time. there are SO MANY better things you could be doing (like learning guitar, taking photos, or biking/uning) mooch off your friends

guitar - if you’re gonna buy an instrument, don’t settle for ANYTHING thats “new” on eBay. Lots of cheap crap companies get people to post bogus reviews to help sell their crappy instruments. Don’t go there. Buy name brand, “intermediate” or “professional” level only. Anything else isn’t worth your time and is a waste of money, in my experience. It’ll cost more, but its definitely worth it. Been down that road more than once.

trials bike - will your dad be ok with you doing trials on things in town on a bike instead of a uni? didn’t think so.

…or you could just keep saving until you make up your mind. You don’t have to buy something right as soon as you get the money to afford it, you know…

No matter how many of us say what to get, its still going to be your decision on what you end up buying.

Be a big boy now. :slight_smile:

Two things you really dont need that arent productive:

Halo and xbox live are the biggest waist of time I’ve ever heard of.
Yet it may probably be fun, it cost alot to maintain the fun so, no paintball gun for you mr!

I would buy a trials bike and save the rest of your money.

Or set 4 sounds good if you want to spend away. Xbox is fun, as long as you’re not hooked. try to limit yourself to under an hour a day :wink:

set 1- good, i like it, girls dig the guitar and the bike will keep u in shape, and paintball is fun

set 2- good- camera- , could be cool, ive always wanted a camera, could be fun,
set 3-ok, i have no idea wat a stack amp is but im sure it has to do with the guitar, but is it really neccesary?

set 4- bad, u will never get a gf if ur inside play xbox all day, and you will get fat, but it is entertaingin, trials bike, will keep u inshape, aintball is fun

i would go with 1

here is my oder


Random non-respective thoughts on the subject:

Don’t pay extra for a fretless bass, just buy a nice bass and remove the frets and have a shop put in pieces of maple in the fret lines. Cheap.

If the trials bike is good, go for it. I’m sure it’d help your uni trials skills, and it’d be hella fun, and it’d get you in even better shape.

Unless you play shows constantly, you’re fine with your amp now. (granted it’s not a COMPLETE pice of shit)

Xbox live and halo are fun and a good time killer, but I can think of so many other things I’d rather have!

Saving money isn’t a crime, if you have leftover money, that’s fine, don’t feel obligated to spend all of your money just cause you’re spending some of it.

I guess ill chime in a bit more.

So would it be a full stack or a half stack? I would like a fullstack, but that would just make it harder to take places, and ive never had a use for a fulls tack yet. at all the shows ive played, and ive played some big venues, I havent had to turn the halfstack past 2 or 3, specially when the cabinet gets miced, then I let the sound guy adjust it through the PA.

If you are going to start playing shows, it is definitely needed, specially for bigger places. But if you are just starting, and only doing coffee shops/bar type shows, a 2x12 amp would still work fine, as long as its 100watts or more. Most 2x12 are 120s though, so thats no problem, and when shopping, asking the guy if it will get loud enough to compete against drums, bass, other guitars, vocals, and still be heard wont hurt. He’ll show you the right amps too if the one you are looking at isnt up to it.

So you can save by getting a half stack, or a quater-stack, haha, and still have what you need for playing.

For me, I went and bought a few paintball guns. Tippman 98 customs, and I cant think of the others. I had fun with that for a few months, but I havent touched them since then. Im glad I bought them from pawn shops and through connections so I was getting 80-90% off. Paying full price or more than $50 wouldnt of been worth it for me.

The trials bike, I would like to have one, but ive heard the are expensive to maintain. More parts to take care of, more parts that can break, and more money spent to replace those parts, or have someone else fix it for me. It would be fun though, but I know id end up not riding it much and possibly not riding it at all, cause the only aspect of biking I like is going fast, and riding my uni is higher than a trials bike on my priority list.

For the games, thats a never for me. I already have a ps2 and a computer. There are plenty of free games that equal or are greater than the games you have to pay for. 5, 15, 30,50, whatever it is a month, I can see going into my savings account, or put towards something that is better for me. Almost all the ps2 games are free to play online, all the games on my pc dont require payment, and years ago when I played RS, I didnt even pay the monthly fee of $5 to be a member. Im completely cheap when it comes to online gaming or any game really. Torrents and no-cd cracks are my friend.

I dont really need a camera, so id actually go for an amp first, but in your case, id go for the camera. Its what you have been saving for.

After the camera, id go for the bass or the amp.

But that depends, if you are going to start having shows soon, id get the amp first, then the bass. You said the bass is a cheap one, so it doesnt seem like it would take long to have enough money again to get it.

Yeah, anyways, its up to you. Flip a coin. Youll know right when it lands what you want.

i find this thread slightly offensive… wondering how to spend a bucket of cash isn’t exactly what i would call a ‘problem’!

that in mind, why don’t you ask yourself how you would feel about each set and how you would feel about not having the others… e.g. would you regret buying set 1 and not 3, or 2 and miss 1 etc etc.

whichever one seems to be the one you would regret not having the most is probably your answer.

nubcake, you make a good point.

“Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him.” -Gandhi

Maybe you should just keep saving for something you actually need. Or, buy the items your looking for on craigslist or eBay used, rather than buying new. It’ll cost a lot less, and there’s tons of good stuff out there. Or donate your money to charity?

Hes a musician, so the amp may be something he actually needs. I know it was mandatory that I got an amp that would handle playing all sizes of shows and practices.

Looking for used stuff is ok, just as long as he still gets the quality.

That camera looks nice though, and with all your talk of your uni skills, it would be a very useful tool, and you (and we would all know this) at any time could take that out, and film a jump or trick to prove people wrong.

Hope your comp can handle HD files. =p

nah, i think my computer will explode with them… i’m running vista :wink:

lol. Anyway. Yeah, its just its a tough drag in my mind between all of them.

Paintball gun means that i’m gonna be playing paintball a lot of times this summer on my friends land (150+ acres),

guitar means i’ll finally start recording and writing more stuff for whatever album i hope to produce this summer.

Camera is my best choice for right now, except my dad is forcing me to put away 1/3 of my money (1/3 of $860 or so), although I want to start doing some videography, and making skate vids for friends.

forgot to post this…

This is the gun i’m probably going to buy also.

hes asking 130 for it all

edit: i also realize its an older moldel, by the groves near the rail mount area closer to the barrel.

Try this tried-and-true method. Pick the two choices you want the most, and flip a coin. Assign heads to one of the choices, and tails to the other. If you’re happy with the outcome, then you know which one you want to get. If you’re not happy, then you also know which one to get.

And nubcake: he did say it was a problem with money…if anything, it’s good that he knows the value of money enough that he’s worked to save up, and that he’s now putting thought into his decision. I consider that much better than just frivolously buying stuff.

thats what i sorta did, like. I bought a camera, slide, and some other small things that ive sorta needed/wanted.

But this is different, i worked in one of the most stupid sprinkler systems,w hich took like 5 days to do, 125 heads, over 3/4 mile of pipe in the ground.

and another which took like half a day to complete. Plus saving from winter, and working on some other really stupid sprinkler systems at the beginning of summer. Of which i had 390 that i saved.

so… i’m in a pickle…

Wow, I like that. But I dispense with the coin. Just pick the most likely choice and live with that idea for a day or so. Pretend with all your might that that’s what you are going to do. Sleep on it. Imagine having it and not the other stuff. If it doesn’t feel right, then change your mind and pick again. If you feel a sense of relief or if you somehow feel the new decision is “right” – then you’ve found the right choice. It’s like trying on clothes. Live with each idea for a while. Imagine your future. Pick up your guitar and imagine not having – and not getting – the new amp, but then your paintball friends call up. You can’t take pictures when an old friend comes over, but you can hop on your trials bike. Imagine it all.

Also, listen to how you feel at the moment your are about to do it. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.