Today I started hacking away at my KH Handle. This is it now, but I hope to keep working at it over the next few days. I want it too be round so I can put my hand right around it.
But I hope it doesnt make it all weird and then snap on me, if so its cheap to replace.
Here are some pictures. (Bad quality)
November 20, 2007, 11:25am
So what exactly are you doing there? Are you removing material from the front? I can’t quite tell from the pictures. Are you making the hold larger?
Well basically im making the existing hole bigger so that my hand will wrap right around the handle
November 20, 2007, 12:13pm
Please be careful, you could break your fingers riding with them in there.
November 20, 2007, 12:22pm
Say you UPD’ed… and your fingers got stuck in the hole due to the angle they’d be at when you try and jump away…if you get what I mean!
I dont think that is very possible?
It’s not very likely, but it could happen.
The larger you make that hole, the smaller the possibility.
Evan Byrne modified some KH handles, removing much more material than you did… I put one on my muni and love it, although it does give me blisters if I ride trials for an extended period. I’m going to wrap it with some hockey tape and hopefully that’ll fix it.
More likely than you think IMO…
I say bad move, but hey, if you try it and it works for you then thats awesome:)
From the pictures I can’t really tell that you’ve done much… are you about finished with it or do you plan to cut out a lot more?
I like the KH style handle just fine, but seeing as I have a million of them lying around it might be fun to tinker with…
November 20, 2007, 1:42pm
Looks familiar …
So far no finger-catching injuries. It seems to be a good solution and is nicely ambidextrous.
November 20, 2007, 2:25pm
Is/was that a KH handle??
It was a Kinport miyata type handle, no longer made.
From the pictures I can’t really tell that you’ve done much… are you about finished with it or do you plan to cut out a lot more?
I like the KH style handle just fine, but seeing as I have a million of them lying around it might be fun to tinker with…
I am going to take more out in the next few days, and post pics then.
You should tinker with them.
Evan Byrne modified some KH handles, removing much more material than you did… I put one on my muni and love it, although it does give me blisters if I ride trials for an extended period. I’m going to wrap it with some hockey tape and hopefully that’ll fix it.
Don’t use hockey tape, it’ll get all gooey after a while, it’s quite nasty.
Look for that tape they use on 10 speed bike handlebars, no idea what it’s called. But that stuff doesn’t get gooey apparently.
Unless you like gooey grip? Then go ahead…?
November 20, 2007, 3:02pm
That’s hockey tape on mine; great for several years so far.
I used hockey tape on handlebars before and it got really disgustingly gooey after like 2 rides…
…so you and Mr. Stewart have something in common, then, eh?