They don’t have to be pretty AND smart I guess ?!?
I’ve seen that a couple times now and the first viewing was so painful I couldn’t watch all of it! Here’s a funny video “response” to it:
“Such as Maps!” Gold haha!
(YES, I checked it to make sure it’s the right one haha!!! )
hahaha good one
Sadly, i just became a citizen of this state. Be ware if you come down here to visit, and you have out of state tags, specially from the north, people tend to cut you off in traffic more times than not.
Did that make sense to anyone?
She was later on the today show:
It makes me said to admit that I want to do the same thing as her after high school.
She was later on the today show:
It makes me said to admit that I want to do the same thing as her after high school.
Hey, she was cute. Did she say something?
Ya, but look where she gets it from.
What a freakin’ moron.
That’s why I’ll never enter a beauty pageant (aside from being aesthetically unqualified). Misunderstand one question, then get flustered and totally blow the answer anyway, and everyone thinks you’re an airhead.
When you only might be an airhead.
In other words: Yeah, she messed up really bad. Yeah, she didn’t seem to grasp the question in the first place and yeah, it’s kind of a tough question for one of those interviews, because it’s impossible to come up with a very positive answer. Americans are pathetic when it comes to geography.
Do people in other countries brag about not being able to read a map, or wave you off when you try to give absolute directions (telling people to turn West instead of Left, without giving a point of reference for “Left” to be meaningful). No. Instead they tell you to turn left and then get confused/annoyed when you ask which direction you’re coming from…
I saw this on tv and almost died! How could anybody be such a retard.
Haha that was good!
Where’s your other wheel?
Ahhhh, that was great
Is blind use of GPS navigation like TomTom or NavMan equal to being blond in a beauty-competition?
I think those kind of devices make people stupid. Just like calculators did.
And I bet Harper has someting to say about iPods.
Tell me if you can still get good odds for that bet.
I’ll lay some money down.
Preach it, brother.
Since when did you turn into iPods?
Did the podfather got grip on you?
What’s next? Harper posting a poll “what generation iPod do you have?”?
Or did he already do so?
Or, just like iPods do.
There. Fixed it.
Preach it, brother.
Or, just llike SpellCheck does.
There. Fixed it.
Preach it, brother.