Miss Ayelery Always Gets Action At NAUCC and UNICON

We all know of Miss Ayelery’s reputation for being the “good time girl” at the unicycle conventions.

Before Larry Flynt tells everyone, you can speak for your self.

Were you minding your Ps and Qs? OR did you have a good time with Ms Ayelery?


Has anyone ever done a skit at a Uni Convention that has parody of Unicyclists.com?

I can see a Miss Ayelery and Foss versus Peacock and DK skit about foul language in the works.

hahah, i call being in the MR part. I can rep the MRIS!!

Oooh, can I turn my journal into a captivating monologue?

There have been many parody acts over the years, and some were classics. But I don’t know if a NAUCC crowd would “get it” if you made fun of someone who had never been to a convention. Remember, we don’t all read these forums!

It works much better with people a majority of the audience has seen. I’ve been parodied before. Ouch. Fortunately it was back before most of you would remember (or were born?).

Oops, I forgot. I was parodied again just two years ago by Teresa Abrahams! Ouch again.

Parody is the highest form of flattery.

The IJA has midnight shows, for the more off-beat or adult acts. I wonder if NAUCC will ever move to that…

So you’re suggesting that after the Bedford Experience, the Bedtime Experience after all the kids have gone to bed.

Those are your words…

By the way, this true quote from the “nicotine is good for you” thread, post #11:

Does this fortell things to come, or things past?

i actually read Ms. Ayelery’s blog, where she names names about who she was WITH at NAUCC!!!


She gives these moves a whole new meaning: seat-in-front!!! rolling hop!!! UPD!!!