Miscellaneous video editing stuff...

Firstly, now that I have access to video and audio editing programs, should I make soundtracks to fit videos or videos to fit soundtracks? I’m sure the best method is the latter, but I’m just checking.

Secondly, I was just mucking around with VirtualDub and putting a newly editing song over my Group Muni movie. I changed it to “WAV audio…” and had a listen (and watch). When I was done, since I was just seeing what it would sound like (which doesn’t make sence), I opened up the original file and was shocked to hear the new soundtrack still there after not saving it. I went into the Audio menu and changed it back to “AVI audio…” and found the original song back on there. It was strange that even after not saving it, I could change between the .avi and .wav thingys and have different songs.
