Some of my earliest memories of Christmas songs were from when I was about 4-years-old. Even back then, I knew what a sleigh was but I did not know about a sopen sleigh. We would sing, “dashing through the snow in a one whore sopen sleigh”. I was only concerned about the sleigh.
Another lyric that also turned out to be wrong was “in the meadow we can build a snowman and pretend that he is Parson Brown”. I did not understand why they built a brown snowman.
This is more of a reading problem, but I remember wondering as a young child when looking at some of my folk’s albums why Phil Ochs, Joan Baez among other performed Live in “Concrete”.
Somewhere there is a website devoted to such thngs.
The famous one is Jimi Hendrix: “Excuse me, while I kiss this guy.”
(For younger readers, Mr. Hendrix was a pop star. The real song goes, “Excuse me while I kiss the sky,” which makes a lot more sense when you think about it.)
In the 1970s, the egregious Paul McCartney found chart success with a county ‘n’ bagpipes number called Mull of Kintyre. I was visiting my elderly next door neighbour when the song came on the radio. She remarked, “I love this song: ‘Rollicking Times’.” I smirked, because I thought it was called ‘Mother Kentuck’ - neither of us having ever heard of the place called the Mull of Kintyre.
Rollicking Times would have been a far better song.
Not quit e a misunderstood lyric, but it amused me. I have a workmate who is a keen music fan and musician. We work in a busy insurance claims office with hundreds of phone calls a day. Because of the area we cover, we have a large number of Asian customers. I left him a note on his desk while whe was at lunch asking if he knew anything about Ali Vazami Azir.
A friend of a friend of mine used to sing “Missed the boat Jangles”. And another friend who has never sang one song correct in his life swears that the song is “Raindrops keep falling on my ‘fore’ head.”
OMG as a man of 20 i have believed all my life that Jimi was asking permission to be excused to perform a homosexual act, rather than just talking rubbish because he was off his tits on LSD.
It surely is… apart from those rare times when you simply cannot find a suitable search string for that essential piece of information. Then it should be damned to hell .
Not all social constructionists contend that social constructionism makes ontological statements. The element of construction is in our perception of and reaction to reality. We can certainly only perceive reality through the filters of our senses, and analyse it through the filters of our preconceptions of how to analyse.
Others do contend that everything is socially constructed, and that there is no reality. No definite ontological statements can be made, except of course the ontological statement that all reality is socially constructed.
That would mean that the statement, “All reality is no more than a social construction” would be self contradictory. You could envisage (many) societies in which this statement was not believed to be true, and therefore, in its own terms, it wouldn’t be true.
Yes, I have been reading up on it, and I give parts of it a cautious thumbs up, and parts of it a definite thumbs down. It reads to me like existentialism with a committee.