I had posted earlier that I was working on free-mounting a tall unicycle (5.5 ft to be exact). Well last Sunday I did it! After about four practice session (approx 1 hr each) I finally was able to mount the tall unicycle unassisted into an idle then ride away. I actually did it 3 times with an approx 30% first time success ration, that is it usually took three attempts to repeat the first success. I am now working on raising my first attempt success ration to 100 %.
Also, both of my sons (13 and 15) who are far better than me when it comes to unicycling have yet to free-mount our tall uni. I suspect that once it sinks in that there is something that Dad can do that they can’t that they will spend the couple hours it will probably only take them to learn the skill thus “knocking me off my perch” so to speak!
Either way it was a big deal for me.