Minnesota meet

I hope the weather didn’t stop the Minnesota uni meet.
How did it go?

There was a good turnout from the TCUC crowd and our Danish guests, a few from Hutchinson and a few more. Not as well attended as last year.

But still a lot of fun. One point of interest–we were sharing the building with about 1000 Jehovah’s Witnesses. It may not have been quite a thousand, but it seemed like it :wink:

Sure wish we could have attended again this year but it just wasn’t in the making. I spoke with Connie briefly this morning about the event, made me really miss seeing all of you again.

The weather reminded me of when we hosted Regionals here in Rochelle in 2003. You all drove through some pretty bad ice storms to get here. Just goes to show the dedication of a unicyclist, I suppose.


We missed you guys, Bruce. I heard some others asking about you. I was sorry to hear from Connie that your club is not as active as it once was.

Thanks. We missed seeing you guys but it’s also good to know we were missed by our friends to the north.

Yes, our club is not nearly as strong as in our heyday of 2002/03 when we had some 50 riders participating. These days we have some 10-15 kids showing up to ride. But it’s the quality, not the quantity, right?


True, but it still wouldn’t hurt you to be out on the street corners preaching the gospel of unicyclism.