
I’m addicted to it lately. Just got 428 second on expert, I realise that’s not that good but yeah. Who else likes minesweeper? What are your best times?

I used to be a minesweeper addict too… I think my expert record was around 130 seconds;)

I play a reasonable amount, currently at 149/43/8, not brilliant.


i got 208 seconds for intermediate and 19 seconds for beginner
im not sure if ill pursue the game as a career yet…:smiley:

109 seconds for expert
Don’t remember for intermediate
3 seconds for beginner

wyse decision, I myself got caught several times by my boss because of the simultaneous left/right click noise:( :frowning: :wink:

My best for expert is 122 seconds, intermediate is 38, and beginner is like 7 I think.

Man I can’t even beat the beginner level.

But I’m not ashamed about it either. :smiley:

I don’t remember my scores for intermediate… must be around 36-38.
But for Beginner I remember having spent much time to get the proper grid and finally get 4 seconds. :sunglasses:

I’m trying to “beat” solitare before I move on to more advanced games such as Minesweeper. Hasn’t happened yet.

Anyone play Portal yet?

I use to play minesweeper heaps and I played easy so much that I got a flukey round and got 3 seconds. I can’t remeber my intermediate or expert record.

Yes I pre-ordered orange box through steam and played portal pretty much as soon as it came out. It’s a very fun puzzle game but it was alot shorter than I hoped it would be. I finished it in like 2 hours, and I have now finished all the advanced levels. I have also managed to do 93% of the challenges (the last ones are like impossible…)

^ Watch it ^

Tis the funniness.

Portal is by far my game of the year.

it is indeed damn hilarious

my records look really cool.

3 seconds for beginner
33 for intermediate and
133 for expert!

I used to spend way too much time on Mine Sweeper back when our office first automated. Even had screen shots of my best scores.

Once I got a lap top I found Mine Sweeper too hard to play without a mouse. I then spent way too much time on Free Cell, mostly on airplanes though. So far I haven’t found a Free Cell game that can’t be won; a few took more than one try though.

All now all a faded memory.

Same here on the Free Cell thing haha i always play that when im pretty bored

+1 :smiley: