Mike Vandeman

It is good to see people so dedicated to the planet that are making web pages on computers that have a negative impact on the environment…
What is the best way to say you are earth friendly? Let me get my computer full of wasted materials out… and now I’m going to send a message out so that everyone on their computers that are energized using a coal power plant will know that you shouldn’t ride your bike on a trail, it kills squirrels…

you call every computer a “blood computer” because of the many killed over the trade?

Unicyclists Are LIARS

Milosboy: “[Mike Vandeman] assaulted a few bikers on restricted trails with a handsaw”

Both charges for which I was arrested, including this one, were thrown out. All this affair proves that mountain bikers (including, apparently, unicyclists) are willing to LIE, in order to punish someone for telling the truth about mountain biking. I didn’t do anything wrong, and they all know it.

Tom Holub, while working for the University, was cycling on trails closed to bikes and unicycles, and encouraging others to do the same. I saw him doing it, and he even published photos proving it. See, e.g. http://mjvande.nfshost.com/overview.htm.

Mountain bikers know that as soon as one of them breaks rank, and starts telling the truth, mountain biking (including mountain unicycling) will be history. No one would allow it.

He’s hilarious, can we keep him?

Of course we are, Mike. Everyone knows that it’s impossible to ride a unicycle. Just making that one outrageous claim makes us all liars.

Liar is such an ugly word, can we not settle for something more … diplomatic?

Like “Unicyclists are MAGICIANS”.

Who? People Eating Tasty Animals.:D:D:D

I love all animals… With a healthy helping of green beans and some mashed potatoes and…

I do so hope he returns. I would enjoy giving that dusty piece of old shoe a good dosage of argument.
Unicycles only have one point of contact with the ground and a tiny point at that. We made injure one thin lizard, but you, Mike, could injure several.

Good luck!

Much smarter people than you have tried to defend mountain (including unicycle) biking. It’s indefensible. DUH!

Oh all right. Mike Vaneman allegedly assaulted a few bikers on restricted trails with a handsaw. Better?

An interesting collection of images. The message is not real clear, but apparently you have the brain of a frog. Other messages that seem to be offered by the images on that page:

  • Hiking boots and mountain bike tires have similar treads
  • People like to ride mountain bikes on trails
  • Snakes cross the trails
  • Squirrels aren't as good at crossing trails
  • Unicyclists also like to ride on trails
  • You can't ride (or hike) trails until there are trails
  • Equipment breaks
  • People break
  • Trains beat cars
  • People do watersports
  • Mountains and leaves are pretty
  • Cars (and roads?) are evil
  • Front loaders can lift a lot of stuff
So Mike, do you live in a city?

Damn. How can you argue with logic like that? You win.

I heard that this Mike Vandeman fellow only wants to get rid of mountain bikers to make way for golf courses. Mike loves to golf!


Defend it from what?
If it is indefensible, why bother attacking?
It seems like a bit of a walk in the proverbial park for a man of your (much smarter?) intelligence. Who*knows, I might see you there, I am due for a ride soon. Forgive me if I don’t wave, I’ll be concentrating, unicycling is no walk in the park you know. Actually, there is something we might agree on…

I just wanted to make sure people see this FAQ. It is a worthwhile read.

Also, you can find an excellent article in Bike Magazine’s 2011 November issue that discusses Mike Vanderman at length. I believe you can find the article here: http://www.zinio.com/pages/Bike/Nov-11/416191718/pg-62

A choice quote:

At this point I’m going to stop responding to Mike Vanderman. I would humbly suggest to this community that the best course of action is to ignore him.

i agree, best to ignore him. i don’t think it’s him anyway, most likely just a troll.

That is, if there’s any difference there.

good point.

I was just probing.
Was interested in these logic traps he is said to employ.

They’re like ghostbuster traps but with less fancy lights and more math.

I have to be honest, I’m curious as to how this man is the scourge of the mountain b*ke community when it looks like the selection of ‘bad’ photos on that link were put together by a ten year old.