so all i want to know is who would be interested in coming to lincoln nebraska for a street unicycle meet/weekend? as far as the exact date and the schedule and lodging and the exact formart i’ll figure that out if there seems to be enough interest in the basic idea. right now i’m just trying to gauge interest, and see if any one would actually come to the event.
i’m game, possibly with other unicyclists from chicago. any idea on dates?
id be interested (coming from Illinois)
Id go.
If it was an entire weekend I’d try to go.
Yeah if it was an entire weekend like during summer or something(preferably next summer). I would go.
id be down
i’dprobbly down depending on the dates…
Id be down depending on dates and how soon. Justin kohse and I were briefly talking about a west coast one but neither had any motivation to follow through.
i don’t know what any of that means