Midweek Midday MUni

What a treat it was yesterday to sneak in a MUni ride during working hours. My Solar Energy business is jammin these days, which has been consuming my time, so I made myself go out. This was a short loop ride, right from my house. Kind of a brutal climb, 1,400’ (426 meters) in just under 2 miles (3.1 km), but the mostly single track downhill was worth it. The early season flowers, lupine & indian paintbrush, covered the ground on the descent. The single track is a game trail, mostly elk and bear, and signs of both were very evident. I have run into bear on this loop before, so now sing out load as I traverse down the steep switchbacks. Weather was ideal, mid 70’s with cumulus clouds building into the Colorado blue skies above. I must say that my afternoon workload was much more enjoyable after that ride, I must do that more often. Hope your all getting out as well. Cheers.

for a second i though you were riding on that log!
i wish i lived in a place where it was possible for green stuff to grow.


Looks great, Mike. You must have read In Search of Excellence. At least I think that’s the book that talks about a high-level manager leaving early on Wednesdays to work in his wood shop. Way to act outside the box!

IS that pic from the actual ride? If so, who shot it?

Someone who I met on the trail.

Being a business owner has it’s rewards, occasionally.

I moved from the valley of the sun in 79’ so I could be where stuff is green, then white.


God! Why do you punish me like this? Damn-it!

Ahhhhhh, to ride in the aspens…

Longing for the cool mountain air and the intense solitude of the Colorado mountains,

Tommy, I’ll make some laps in the aspens for you. The highcountry is just starting to open up, free of snow, so I will be getting lost in the forest often. So far the bears have been more afraid of me. You’ll deserve a huge break after NAUCC, so just get you and your MUni here, the rest is on me. :slight_smile:

i saw a pretty nice sized bear while driving home from riding in Grand County today. but no enocounters yet.