Mid-life crisis...

Middle-aged guy here, from MN. Have been lurking for a while, finally registered so I can reply to Classified ads!

Had the good fortune to grow up in St. Paul, MN. Saw TCUC in literally dozens of parades as a kid. Minneapolis Aquatennial and St. Paul Winter Carnival parades were staples in my childhood, both daytime and “Torchlight” parades. The TCUC unit was always my favorite part of the parade, especially the Giraffes!

I remember some REALLY tall giraffes in those days, though I realize as an adult that they may have been “only” 10-footers. :slight_smile: Still… 10 feet is about 11 feet farther than I have ever cared to fall!

Current plan: learn to wobble down the driveway. From there, who knows?

Thanks to all who have contributed quality information to this site!

Funny the effect of a mid life crisis. Some guys buy a sports car, others buy a Harley Davidson. I think my wife was relieved that I only went for a unicycle.

She has even gotten used to the fact that I needed about ten of them;)

Those were probably only 8 footers… Occasionally there are 10 or 12 footers in the parades, but most the time the tallest is 8 ft.

You should check out TCUC. Now that Fall is here, practices are starting up again: http://www.tcuc.org/calendar/

Thanks for the welcome!

I’ve been motorcycling since 1988, and already have two in the garage. :stuck_out_tongue:

I plan to check out TCUC “one of these days.” I live a couple of hours from the metro, so it’s not terribly handy.

On the other hand… my Mom would appreciate more visits. Maybe I can put the two together!

What about before your time, maybe back in the Brett Shockley days? Apparently Slim is older than you, but I guess you’ve been riding in those parades at least as long as Slim has been riding motorcycles… :smiley:

In my experience (of attending parades), mostly with RTUC, it seems like 12’ is about as high as you can get without having to survey the parade route for clearance. Got to save the taller giraffes for the Macy’s Parade (NYC). If they can fly all those balloons, they must have figured out a solution to all those overhead wires!

Motorcycles or unicycles? Unicycles are a lot easier to fit into a garage, of course; they are especially easier to hang from the ceiling! :slight_smile:

One class down…

Hello, all-

Gilby, I officially have one TCUC/Community Ed unicycle class under my belt. It was a hoot- lots of laughs, no injuries. Thanks for the nudge!

A little soreness in my quads, not anywhere near what I anticipated. Of course… I spent most of the class sitting on my uni, leaning against the gym wall! :stuck_out_tongue:

The parades that I’m thinking of were in the 1970s, into the very early 1980s.

johnfoss- I very much like your unicycle hooks/rack. Very “clean.”

I only have two unis now. No telling what could happen if I actually learn to ride, though! :astonished:

That sounds like it was maybe the earlier iteration of TCUC, though I don’t really know the history. The first National Unicycle Meet I attended there was in 1982.

Thanks, I’ve had a lot of practice. I think that’s the 9th place where I’ve set up unicycles on hooks. The early ones were basements and a backyard shed, followed by various garages. How you set it up depends a lot on the ceiling height, and how much space is available. In our new house there’s a nice, high ceiling and no rafters, for a much cleaner look. The downside is needing a very high ladder to get up there, a smaller ladder to access the unicycles, and a big pain in the butt finding the joists above the sheetrock to put in the screws!

The line of unis that are angled are kind of the “museum” collection; the ones that don’t, or seldom, get used anymore. The others are crowded into the other side of the garage where the ceiling is lower, so they’re easier to access from the floor. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the uni-world, Minnesota Slim. I’m on the south edge of the Twin Cities, with a garage full of unicycles. If you want to try out something new, or ride some trails, let me know. My collection isn’t as large as johnfoss’s, but I think I’m up to 15 ceiling hooks. I blame the children.

Thank you for the generous offer, UnderTheLake!

I’m sending a PM.