microsoft fonts

hi all,

Working right now with Microsoft word 2002.

I’m trying to find a good way to get fonts without paying for them… I’m guessing this is possible, but I can’t seem to find anywhere to do it.

If anyone could offer and suggestions please do so.

also, if i just save them in my fonts folder, will they automatically work?


Re: microsoft fonts

The Fonts folder has an extra option on the File menu called “Install New Font…”. Use this to find your new font and install it.


Microsoft’s Typography group has a great page about fonts. Check out their links page for some links to some freeware fonts.

They used to have a free web fonts pack but it is no longer available for some reason. It had a few nice fonts in it.

Check the Office Update web page. They may have some font updates available for download for Office users.

Check the CD for Microsoft Word or Office. They may have additional fonts on the CD. There are often additional “extras” on the Office CD’s of various stuff. Try also running the install for Word again, there may be an option during the install to install additional fonts.

I thought this was about the religious signes that looked like nazi symbols, which appeard last week in the newest office fonts (a patch is released yet).

Re: microsoft fonts

Here’s an illustrated guide that explains how to install TrueType fonts in various flavors of Windows. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the links to the font installation guides.