Micro Machines: Tiny crank and tiny wheel Megathread

So the Cranky Crew has finally gotten together to really try out 45 mm cranks.

One of us even arrived on 45s :sweat_smile:

@ruari could finally try his tiny cranks with their full potential :heart_eyes:

Well, it might just happen that we have reached some kind of limit.

Well, I have developed a special arm-swing for just this occasion. Maybe that will do the trick:

Luckily the Cranky Crew can boast Norways very best and craziest on tiny cranks. The true master of 45s:

I am so happy right now. This even brought a tear to RuarΓ­s eye. The world is ready for 45 mm cranks. Finally.

β€œI hearby knight you Sir Cranky. I bestow upon you these 75 mm cranks. Use them wisely.”

Or simply opt out, I guess :joy: