Micheal ( don't know last name ) for president??

One time when I was watching political things on tv. I heard a guy named Micheal P. don’t know how to say that last name, and he was running for the Constitution Party. He sounded like a good canidate to me, and I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about him, or where I could get some factual info on him, thank you in advance.


Michael Peroutka

When I first saw his name the first thing that popped into my mind was Igor Stravinsky’s piece Petrouchka. Having the Petrouchka character in my mind as I was reading about Peroutka made for an interesting juxtaposition. :slight_smile:

All true Republicans should vote for Michael instead of George W. Bush. Just as Polaris can be used to identify “true north” (in the Northern Hemisphere), so the Constitution Party can be used to identify “true right”.

George W has let us down, but not for the reasons the Dems will tell you. Vote Michael.

sodomites and lesbians ?
he says it like it’s a bad thing…
someone welcome this guy to the year twenty-oh-four?
someone get him a copy of the Dr Laura letter?

oh, and by the way, this seems to be another bush flop-flip

however a quick Google seem to put that ugly rumour to rest

i’ll be quoting the Onion next


one more link in this post and it’s going to collapse under it’s own weight…

THe whitehouse link was pretty funny. As soon as I started reading it I knew something was up. Took me a second.:wink:

My Uncle told me he is voting for Michael Peroutka; I was not sure what he was talking about at first. My uncle is a “die-hard” republican, but for some reason, he really hates Bush; he calls him a “s*umbag” who is not a real republican. My Aunt, who supports Bush is very angry at him; she thinks he should just vote for Bush, support the president.
I have the same problem with my girlfriend. I told her that I am planning to vote for Nader. She told me that if I do that instead of voting for John Kerry, she won’t be my girlfriend any more; I don’t think she means it.
I think it is sad that Nader and Peroutka are not going to be in the debates. I’m only 18, but I don’t think there is any real difference between Bush and Kerry, and as Nader says, we need “more voices, more choices”


I voted for Nader in 2000 and can’t say that I regret it, particularly since my state went heavily for Gore anyway.

This time around I’m voting for Kerry. I would say that during normal times there is largely no difference between the Democratic and Republican candidates. But these are not normal times.

We are at war, in unstable economic condition, afraid and confused, and at an all time low with respect to international standing and the benefits that come from partnership with other countries.

In 2000 I voted for Nader because I believed that helping to build a strong progressive 3rd party was a priority. I still believe that is a goal, but this time around it is not my priority. Kerry will not make America the country it could be, but he will move us in the right direction.

My only advice is that you be clear about what you think are the priorities now and vote accordingly. If Nader represents those things for you, then vote for him and don’t look back.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Well this got a few intresting responses. I did find the constitutional parties site, so that was informative.

