Merry Christmas!

Well its Christmas!
Hows it going? Tell us about your Christmas festivities, and especially the goodies you got from Santa :smiley:

Unicycling Related:

  • Spaced Out
  • A letter from NZ saying an order (mum/santa made) has been shipped. But mum said it hasn’t arrived yet so I get more pressies later :smiley: (I wonder what it is?)

Non-Unicycling Related:

  • Mr Potatoe Head :smiley:
  • Cool Joke Book
  • Another book I allready had so mums gonna change it
  • Scorched Armonds
  • Other Chocolate
  • Black T-Shirts to print stuff on
  • 2005 Calander

And I think thats it.

Your Turn.

duuuuude, you’re on the other side of the planet, so Christmas has already happened? WEIRD.
Anyway, Christmas for me is tomorrow, and currently it looks like spring outside. wtf?

well i am getting a coker, nopolien dinamite, alf first season and a cool little yo yo thing.

Napoleon Dyanamite? Amazing that you can’t spell a movie that you know you are getting for Christmas, and have(not) seen.

I know I am getting a new Custom Bedford Muni, Ipod, Camelbak, some tools. And about 30 other presents under the tree, that I have no fricken clue what they are. Maybe they took apart all of my presents, and put them in separate boxes? Maybe not…

Merry christmas! (a small flash wideo)

I got a set of juggling torches, a luminos henry circus diabolo with glass fibre sticks.
And all the stuff needed to make my own studded tire for my unicycle!

Cant Forget the Badge… I mean Santas!

I’m going to get a BC Wheel, and an iPod.
Well, probly not the iPod, but I’m counting on the BC Wheel.

I dunno most of the stuff i’m getting. One thing I guessed was a photo album, we’ll see, and I asked my brother for a little foldable seat for work so I can sit down when installing electrical outlets.

a little over 2000 years ago I got a little baby who grew to be the savior of the world and died to pay for all the bad things i’ve done, since then no presents come close : )

Merry Christmas all,


COME ON! Christmas is allready nearly over and your still saying “I think i’ll get…”

Surely you should have all your pressies by now :stuck_out_tongue:

Noooope, it’s 7:30 PM on Christmas Eve. Still about twelve hours until I get to open anything… Actually, I think we have a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve, so I’ll open one tonight. Then I’ll have to wait several hours.

I got $25 bucks early from my grandma,and as we were in town and i didnt get a chance to ask the first(about the best pedals for $25),I Bought Haro big block magnesium pedals.

Oh yeah,and:MERRY CHRIST MAS! ! !!! ! :smiley:

We always open all of our presents on Christmas eve, so there is no reason to get up super early. I got a really nice $150 CamelBak, 50 balsawood planes, new wallet, gift certificates to Red Lobster($25) and In’n’Out. New beanie, loves, Scarf, Hoodie, Bedslippers. Few more planes. Nintendo DS(not till sunday when G’ma though) Muni(ordering monday) Ipod(ordering moday). The best Nevada Christmas ever!

Hey it’s Christmas now : ) at least here.

I got 2 photo albums, a gift certificate for weavers store ( will probably get me shoes, or hand warmers), 40 dollars, gloves, candy, 2 wooden puzzle things, car fresheners, a little ornament for my van, 2 confetti poppers, hopefully a foldable seat when my brother gets it for me, and I think thats about it.

We’re going to the neibhors soon to eat.

Oh yeah, I got everyone a video camera, I think they’ll use it. Also a card that I wrote the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus’ birth, that everyone read, that was a memorable moment and a blessing, and the gift I like best.


Hey, it’s christmas here now too, but I haven’t opened any presents yet. Except we get to open one before breakfast, and I got A MINI iPOD!! w00t:D Soo, I’m charging it up as we speak, yeah.

The Edwards Family had a great Christmas. The best present of course was spending Christmas as a family. Following long-standing tradition handed down from both Mary’s and my families, on Christmas morning, we read the Christmas story out of the gospel of Luke, spend some time in prayer as a family, then open gifts.

I got a new coffee maker. Mary got a Rochelle Hubs Wrestling sweatshirt, Ben and Brad each received a Nintendo Gameboy DS.

The weatherman here in northern Illinois predicted a 2% chance of snow for Christmas morning. We awoke to a light dusting of Christmas White!


merry christmas, all

as the gift stuff is going on, I got some socks, a camelbak, some pimped out hot pink shoelaces, 2 cds, gloves, a couple of gift cards (borders and JC penny…) and a hoodie that’s too small for me.


A giraffe! I now have to eat the words in my sigline, because my center of gravity is kinda important up on that high thing. But anyway, it’s SO fun to ride all up high like that!

I <3 giraffes

aww, I didn’t get a BC Wheel…:frowning: OH well, I’ll just buy one!! :smiley: