Merry Christmas Peoples.

crap, i’m eck

I’m enjoying this thread.:smiley:

Congrats on knowing the Maori btw.

I got a robe, a bottle of cologne, and a pocket knife :slight_smile:

We opened stuff the day before, cause we’re going to CT at 6:00 am.

It’s been christmas for 2 hours and 6 minutes for me!

I opened up one of my presents a few hours ago - an Xbox 360! Yay!

merry christmas from spokane washington :sunglasses:

6 am here. Merry christmas. Santa got me a new video camera!

Feliz Natal! :smiley:

I haven’t got nothing! :frowning:

Mawree Kwissmas RSU and Janet too.



All i got was some chunks of coal in my stocking and some switches for my parents.

[SIZE=“4”]Merry[/SIZE] Christmas from quiet Carlisle.

I got a pencil. My sister is always one to give small gifts.:slight_smile: Grandma gave gift card though.

It’s official: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

And it’s snowing here too, so it’s a White Christmas this year.

It’s 30º C here right now…
A very sunny Xmas, I would say.

Merry Christmas to all from Puerto Rico!!!

If Jesus was born in the Southern Hemisphere, would Christmas be in June?

MERRY KRISMAS! :stuck_out_tongue:

All my presents were shipped to my parent’s place in Portland. I’m still here in Seattle because of the snow. No presents for me today. :frowning:

Nadolig Llawen.

Happy Presentmas.

Merry Christ… mas.


Merry Christmas , Happy hanukkah and Hope everyone have the best New Year yet!

From Me & (wild-eyed) Morty…:slight_smile:
