Merry Christmas, Everybody!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

I have to correct you so nobody is left out.

Merry Chrismas, Happy Channukah, Quanza and Winter Solstes

(I enjoy christmas as much as the next person, but as a Christian we must embrace all peoples. for all of us are sinners and will and can be saved if we follow Jesus Christ with faith.)


P.S. Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas, Everybody!

Sorry, Chubby!

You missed it by 4 days.

Try again in June.

Dear Skid Mark,

Missed what? The solstice? Don’t think so. Unless of course you count the time I had my eyes closed whilst howling at the 2 am full moon on mount Hood astride my trusty snowshoes. Quite beautiful, actually. Fresh snow. Full moon. Calm air. Good friends.

Are we going to have a spelling lesson? Are we? Are we? Woo Hoo!!

are you going to be my super-geek unicyclist nemesis? Oh, please? It’ll be just like the third grade all over again.

Better luck next year

Dear Coprophage,

Since the Winter Solstice was on December 22, and your oh-so-meaningful one-word post is dated December 26, yes, by all we can know, you missed it by four days.

It’s hard to believe you have friends anywhere, you loser.

I’m not going to be your anything.

Go bark at the moon.

i think that Coprophage was just correcting Catboy’s spelling, and Catboy was trying to add more religions to the post.

Personally, I wasn’t even trying to use religion. “Merry Christmas” to me is a seasonal well-wishing and not a religious statement. Perhaps I should have said “Happy Holidays” instead.


I was merely voting for my personal favorite from your list. Solstice. one vote, please.

too bad that nasty horrible anal gland guy had to be all bitchy and grouchy, but I guess he has the ultimate responsibility to tell us what to do and think since he is OBVIOUSLY 70 or 80 times smarter than any of us could ever hope to be.

maybe if we work really hard, we can be a shadow of what asscheek has become. I will pray with all of my stupid little heart.