kate is gonna think your even more weirdly obsessed with unis now
women must be more intelligent than men.
i mean, cause the women invited the lightbulb and flew into space first, right?
that wasnt supposed to be sexist. please don’t get offended
Please do not pay any attention to this oddball. Nobody else does.
One thing it does reveal is that he lacks the intelligence to understand his research results, and that the press is understandably duped by a charletan again.
For him, the operational definition of intelligence is the score on an IQ test.
But everyone knows that’s a very poor operational definition.
Everyone knows this research is a waste of someone’s money and time. No one in their right mind would fund it. Even if it were true, you cannot do anything with the results. There are still many women more intelligent than you and me (Remember: I couldn’t pass the Mensa IQ test–just failed it AGAIN for the 25th time…).
Spend the research money and effort to cure cancer, please. Something useful, please.
But it’s also the best we’ve got if you need a measurement.
Come on Billy, this guy is a PHD, and a Professor. Should I listen to him, or a stock boy at Walmart. Crazy Walmart employee at that.
Definition of Crazy: Someone who does the same thing over and over and over, expecting a different result.
It’s a good thing so many men have stepped up to comment and protect the women who according to this research are less capable of defending themselves.
Before I posted this I showed my wife who is also a very intelligent women, but likely not as smart as me. She said “Why do they always spend money on research to confirm that which is common knowledge?”
all men and women are equal!
aren’t they?
A favorite quote of 12-steppers!
Thankfully, no one here truly takes this guy seriously.
But what a waste!
Yes, but some are more equal than others…
ok many might not like this but heres a funny one I recently heard
w.i.f.e.-> washing, ironing, f…, etc.
still I support that men and women, although not equal should have equal power and should be treated equal…
I usually take two steps forward and three steps back. 12-steppers? A new dance.
Thanks for the compliment. But too many on this forum know both of us through unicycling gatherings. Though the two of us have never met, nor been in the same place at the same time, I am pretty sure we are two different people.
Even tho we’re just the same in so many ways!
I’ll never forget that first thread I met you on… so long ago.
Formidable debating playmates we were.
I can’t believe you tried it 25 times:(
That IS a waste of time if you ask me:o
They could be in on your elaborate scheme, but I’ll accept it as a working hypothesis until I can get real proof.
(If in doubt, don’t take me seriously)
I’m ashamed to admit it. The things I’ll do do prove myself worthy…
As if unicycling while juggling 3 clubs 11 miles isn’t enough…
Ohh I KNOW what you mean;) …
I tease you though I have to admit I passed the online test in English AND french.:o
I would certainly have tried them a hundred times if the first results had not confirmed I’m soooo smart (consequently suuuuuuch a MAN)
I bow to you!!!
But we all know that size doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with it that does.
Very valid point. Makes you wonder if there is a success quotient. The idea of success is so hard to pinpoint, it may not be possible.
In my experience a substantial component of success is related to confidence. In a number of areas I have demonstrated to my own satisfaction that if I approach somthing, sure that I will be able to do it, then I am more likely to succeed than if I approach the job with a negative attitude.
As regards IQ and IQ difference between the sexes. IQ is a measure of how good you are at doing a test that someone has decided measures IQ. Whether it accurately defineds intelligence depends on how good the test setters are at the job, and how well they have defined what they wish to test for. How THEY have defined intelligence. It is far more scientific than the “test the nation” claptrap, but is also in itself still imperfect. Apart from indicating how good you were at doing that test on that day, it also may provide an indication of how good you are likely to be at certain other problem solving and thinking processes. But there are other things needed in this life, many other important things.
Man initially evolved at a rate that suited prevailing conditions, and it is almost certain that the male, genetically tweaked to be bigger and stronger, did most of the hunting and therefore probably needed to do much of the thinking. As such this MIGHT have lead to an expected genetic component in the difference of IQ between the sexes, as measured by our good doctor.
I know it may annoy some people to hear it, but the sexes have evolved in specialist ways, and each has its own natural niches. And it will take a long time for our evolution to catch up to modern thinking about various “equalities”.
Another factor affecting IQ is environment, and like it or not, women are still subjected in general to a slightly different environment to that experienced by men. That experience of life in itself, where you live, how you spend your time, who your friends are, has an effect on your environmental IQ component.
Does the research matter? Will it prove useful? Probably not greatly, but when was that a deterrent to research? I have just read that someone has researched sense of smell differences between left and right nostrils. Interesting research, but hardly likely to solve any of man’s problems. But someone funded it, as they have funded many other areas of very trivial but often fascinating research.
Then of course the newspapers get hold of the story and print silly conclusions, or isolated extracts.
The reporter suggests that the fact that girls do better in school is evidence that the guy’s research on IQ is wrong. Rubbish! Girls work harder in school, and it shows. And that is probably a factor in why their exam results are better, but likely has little to do with IQ. But such explanations grab smaller headlines, and sell more papers.