Memphis Storm

Hey all,

We’ve had a pretty hard go of it the last several days here in Memphis. A storm rolled through here last Tuesday morning (while I was out riding!) that was amazing! I finally got power yesterday but most of the folks in Memphis are STILL without power - 4 days after the storm. Check out the slide show.


Re: Memphis Storm

thanx for letting us know
all mucsters accounted for?

Yes, all MUCsters are OK - I think - but you will notice that they are absent from this forum. Most are STILL without power.

It was really wild being out in the strom as it rolled through Memphis last Tuesday morning. When I realized what was happening I grabbed my uni (Summit) and ran (literally) home, just beating the storm and then hid behind the corner of my house as it was blowing too hard to make it to the front door. Pretty wild.