I don’t know if a thread like this has been started before, but here’s a thread to say whats the meaning behind your user name.
I chose mine, just because that’s what my dad calls me, I’m not really little.
I don’t know if a thread like this has been started before, but here’s a thread to say whats the meaning behind your user name.
I chose mine, just because that’s what my dad calls me, I’m not really little.
Mine’s pretty self explanatory. So is “UniGeezer”, lol. And also my old username, “TerryBigWheel”. No mystery to my monikers.
Well Terry I kind of figured yours out on my own. I’m so proud of myself.
I knew you could! Well done! It’s names like “banana kitten” that I wonder about.
(Right Graham? lol)
my nickname because ppl can’t pronounce my last name.
Mine is C-ZER it’s in caps because caps lock was on . Lol . But my name is Caesar and I thought that it would look cool if I used C-zer lol.
If you ever become a policeman, we’ll have to call you “SCROBOCOP!”
My name. I should have included a space though between Pele and Schramm…
To get my user name i drew letters out of a brown paper bag.
Haha I figured that, since you didn’t want to use your real name, Barnaby flavinhavin McButterfield!
mine is basically the exact opposite of me, except i am actually a boy. and i made it when i was 13. i’ll probably change it one of these days.
ok so there’s a story behind mine. one day i was sitting in math class talking to my friends and not paying attention as usual. out of nowhere the wierdo of the bunch starts telling us this story about when he was young he found a box of kittens out in a field. he started taking care of them but they were all nasty with ticks and stuff. one day his wierdo dad found the box of kittens and knew they had to be put down. instead of taking them to the vet as a normal person would, his dad put rocks in the box and threw it in the creek out back of their house. so here comes the birth of my username. one day i was playing halo with my friends as we did often because there is nothing else to do in the small town of turner. we were giving our friend crap about the kitten thing and so i made a guy called catinabag. then a few days later i got xbox live and the name stuck with me. i dont remember why i added a 1 at the end but i did. now i use catinabag1 for everything, even my email.
Yes you are, but somebody needs tell this guy he’s outlived his name by about 30 years!
Just my gaming name and took it to everything else, idk, I think it’s a pretty cool username.
That was a nice story, thanks for sharing. You should write childrens books.
And you won’t know if you’re too damn lazy to even attempt a search to find out. Took me all of about 10 seconds to type in “user name story”, click search, and find the real thread on this topic.
C’mon littleman, at least pretend to make an effort.
Ah you got me. But I mean come on what is with you guys always bringing up the search button. And taking the time to look for an old thread, just to shoot down all my hopes and dreams. I’ll be back in a little while, I’m gonna go cut myself.
Daniel, Danny, Dan, etc were all taken.
I chose Danni!
I knew that no good could come of my post, but still had to Submit Reply.
Careful with that axe, Eugene.
My name has no meaning.