Me playing the piano

Check it out and let me know what you think.
Comments are loved and adored of course. :slight_smile:
Hahaha, Sorry guys!

hahah great playing there.
I like the dinosaur impression too :smiley:

Hahahahaha!!! that’s Jackie for you! Lovely screaming.

yes very lovely jackie.

Screamo swing? Nice chops! :slight_smile:

What must your neighbours think?

I know, I know, you live in the middle of nowhere, but I wasn’t going to let that spoil a good line.

Also, I love the way your cat is nonplussed.

Careful with that axe, Eugene. (ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh)

You’ve seen the Monty Python sketch

? Nothing fazes a cat.

AHHHH!!! That’s one of the best Python sketches ever!!!
haha, thanks guys.
I got a a scratchy voice but I think it was worth it.

I liked…the piano playing.

Sounded very…fun. :slight_smile:

Haha very nice. You are good. I like that style (though the screaming was a bit out of place ;))

That’s hawt, Jackie.

Actually, it’s a little bit scary when you start to scream.
But life’s no fun without a good scare.

Haha great Jackie, but when you started screaming I just about jumped out of my chair in shock, lol! I thought maybe someone was under the bench grabbing your sack!:wink:

But really fantastic musicality my friend! Oh, and if I ever visit WA, I’ll tune that baby for yee!:stuck_out_tongue:

your voice is like a combination of fergie and jesus.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

<3 :slight_smile:

That was sick man. Been practising your hanon ay?

Like the style. Too bad I can’t really do any jazzy stuff like that.:frowning:

nice playing there! Sound quality is kind of nasty rhough.

It’s very clever microphones with built-in effects that can turn a standard acoustic piano into an electronic honky tonk piano. Some people spend a lot of money for those kinds of effects. Not Jackie.