Me and my crazy designs...


In Just Conversation???

Evan, post whatever you want. Post as much as you want.

I think he meant keep it clean…no flame wars and such…

It would be fun to take a few of your designs downhill…I did try to take my wheeled mirror stand down the porch steps…65kgs on 4 plastic wheels…Wham!!!

1,001 design concepts
496 claims to have built / be building / will build said designs
0 pictures of finished / tested prototypes

aspiring engineer or junior graphic artist with a short attention span? looks like the latter.

slow down, kid, focus yourself, and go start-to-finish with your ideas! you might actually learn something that way…

Why did you feel the need to say this? This is both arrogant and condescending (you’re only 27, kid, so you think you’ve cornered the market on wisdom?). Oh, yeah… you are also WRONG. He has posted pictures AND video of a working invention.

When you strip out all the condescension and put-down, what you are saying is good advice. Pick a design and go start-to-finish. But he’s done that before. And perhaps that’s what he is doing right now. So why don’t you simply offer your opinion on which is the best design? Perhaps make suggestions for improvement?

Here’s what you could have said, which would have so beautifully and nicely conveyed the essence of your advice, in a friendly and encouraging manner…

Evan, I really like the design for the fill in the blank. Why don’t you focus on that as your next project? Finalize the design (get more suggestions here), then build a prototype and let us know how it turned out. It would be great if you could post pictures and video of your progress and of the final product. Good luck!

But what you said instead…

Evan, you are an annoying little kid and you’ve pushed my button again. Why do you continually annoy people here? Don’t you see what happened the last time?

This is the essence of what drewation and daino said also. Evan and Tyler have been treated incredibly badly in the past. This is a faint echo of that and it turns my stomach sour. Sorry to lash out at you because I don’t recall you treating Evan badly in the past.

Evan, post whatever you want and post as much as you want. If people as a result cannot conduct themselves as civilized human beings, then they only reveal themselves as stupid, angry, hate-filled barbarians (I’m certainly NOT referring to maestro or daino here). They should be pitied. They are obviously not happy people. Happy people don’t do those sorts of things. Their anger and hatred and unhappiness will destroy their health. Ignore them! Laugh at them!

Good luck with whatever you aspire to accomplish. If you choose to focus on ideas at this point in time, then great. Keep the ideas coming! If you choose to build one of your ideas, then great! It’s thrilling to dream of something and then turn it into reality. If you start building something and then decide to stop and do something else, then great! Don’t worry about appearances here. Just do whatever is best for you at each step of the way. Good luck. As you already know, I believe in you.

Edit: stupid grammar

I’ve been waiting for a while for such a well said post. I see your point. Hopefully the more rude members of this community will follow your advice.

well said Dave. There are often unwarranted and unkind words said to youngsters on these forums. An 11 year old girl I know who learned to unicycle on my old Pashley made a few posts on the fora and was condescended upon by some users of these forums and as a result hasn’t posted or visited since. Although you may not find some of the subjects the youngsters talk about here relevant to yourself, don’t slate them just for having less life experience than yourself. And people need to remember that when when they’re old and creaky, there are going to be kids busting out tricks on unicycles they could only dream of…:wink:


It never ceases to amaze me how simple things presented on this forum can turn into a philosophical discussion and/or a mean spirited, critical review.

Tyler has been conspicuously absent for several weeks.

Dave, thanks for your comments.

I’d ask you the same question, but I don’t care. I’m only posting now 'cause you prodded me, and I’m always down for a good melee.

This is both your opinion and completely pointless. Excuse me for not searching through all 9,000 of totaluni’s posts for a scrap of substance.

If you’re going to call me condescending, and then tell me what I should have said, well that’s the pot calling the kettle black, now isn’t it?

And, yes, I’ve cornered the market on wisdom. Check the NY Times before you go pontificating about securities.

I offered my suggestion. You didn’t like it. Sorry I couldn’t please you.

Don’t put words in my mouth. If you’ve got something to say, say it for yourself.

This snippet should read “how Dave interprets this post”…

Hmmm… my anger is bad for my health and your empathy is giving you indigestion. So you’re saying we’re all sick individuals? You’ve got that much right…

<aside>When I see a bleeding heart giving a knee-jerk defense to some little kid on the Internet I laugh at them. It’s the same reaction I see in the PETA people who are crying over the plight of lab mice, and the enviro-nazis who scream bloody murder over global warming and contrails.

It’s like saying “don’t take candy from babies” or “be nice to old people”… of course there’s gonna be a bunch of “me too” posts. You’re singing the gospel to the choir. That’s simple.

This seems to be the liberal creed: find a cause, no matter how insignificant, and make it an emotional crusade. Whee. If I want that kind of sensationalism I’d hang out with my Grandma and watch Fox News.</aside>

If this kind of crap makes your stomach sour, then take your own advice and ignore me and laugh at me. 'Nuff said. People are being insulted everywhere around you, all the time! It’s enough to give you ulcers if you think about it all! Heh.

edit: DISQUALIFIER: I’m not defending the hecklers on these boards, nor am I trying to heckle. Read carefully or disregard completely.

I read that very carefully and found that you are very good at changing the meaning of what people said.

Stands up and aplauds i think that is the longest post ive ever read, thank you for someone finially pointing it out, and evan i really like your designs keep them coming


Well put. I’m not saying that its ok to be mean to people, but that giving constuctive criticisim is a good thing. The problem witrh this forum is that topics go from being about trials to wild monkeys. A lot of posters are extremely fragile, and whenever anyone says anything they think is wrong, a flame war erupts. Bravo Maestro, bravo.

Aw, now I have two people who won’t be joining my fan club.

Everybody is so angry around here! And so “fragile”! We used to all be friends.

All I did was try to offer a bit of “constructive criticism”…

(I guess I directed it at the wrong faction)

Mr. Lowell Ill be in your fan club!


I held back earlier, but now I won’t… You call “everybody” fragile, yet you’re the one who’s got his panties all in a knot over a post.

You say we’re “angry” and “hate-filled” yet you’re the one who comes out with a screenful of rant when you hear something you don’t like that wasn’t directed at you.

Although I already did this, let me analyze your “constructive criticism”…

What’s constructive here? My interpretation: misdirected anger.

You claimed hecklers post heckles 'cause their unhappy. I’m going out on a limb here, but why, then, would one post criticism? There isn’t much difference between heckling and criticising (especially on the Internet).

Furthermore, what’s the deal with criticising critisicm? What is this, a debate class, and you’re Professor Knowitall? Your self-contradiction deprives you of any credibility.

At this point all I can say is… dude, WTF? No, really, dude, WTF?

Look, if you don’t want to be in my fan club, just say so! Jeez.

What’s involved in the initiation?

my goal is to make a working fleet of Leaps(im thinking of a better name). I am ordering 12ft of 4130 3/4" square tubing right now. for those of you whp want to see my finnished designs, look at my fourms at

3 days ago i made this, a horse shoe stool. I was bored and had i pile of horse shoes.:smiley:

horse shoe stool.jpg


horse shoe stool (7).jpg

dude thast pretty cool now if you could just make it like the solid brass color then it would be prime


thats nice i like it to