Max Schulz 50k views in a day.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I don’t think they have, so here it is. Max’s NAUCC video got put up on a offshoot site, and has now hit 213,000 views. That has got to be a record for a unicyclist video, at least from what I’ve seen. Props to Max for getting the world to see his awesomeness.


collegehumor and todays big thing as well

just what the video deserves … seriously, show me one vid about unicycling that is more bad-ass.

I fucking dare you.

Its everywhere. I asked Max and even he doesn’t know all the places it’s been posted. I saw it on Gizmodo as well though.

I’m so glad it is Max who the world discovers first :stuck_out_tongue: His video shows so many different styles of unicycling, if the world is going to see one it should be that!

Although I think, in general, people are too closed-minded to accept this.

yep…the sheep will never accept it :angry:

That Kris Holm freeride video has over a million views on youtube.

I believe we should inform the world that our child production ability is not hindered by this activity.

Until then, I’m quite confident that we will not be taken seriously. o.O
