Matrix Revolutions

in the spirit of the kill bill thread, i am starting a matrix one, i went to see it today at the world premier thing, i suppossed my expectatives were to high since i didn`t enjoy it as much as the first two films, i mean sure the special effects were great and all, but i think maybe it was too predictable…in my opinion the end really sucked. but i suppose i was expecting some kind of twisted thing that would not have been as popular maybe…what are your thoughts?

All my friends came to school today telling me that it was good, except that it was a bit predictable. Apparently the ending just left it hanging, and everyone said that a fourth one was going to be released… wait for it… “Matrix Rewired” (or something like that.) If there is a fourth movie coming out, i reckon that it will be pretty bad, i mean, everyone said there were going to be three, and three is enough, and if Matrix Revolution just leaves it hanging, then i don’t even want to see it, cause i hate being left hanging, i like movies where they actually finish it up, like Lord Of The Rings III will actually have a finish and won’t leave everyone hanging at the end, and even if it did, you could always just read the ending of the book to find out what happens after. N e way, just thought i’d say it coz it had to be sed…

well the movie does not leave anything hanging in my opinion, its pretty much like LOTR the story ends but the world continues itown history, i doubt that a fourth will be made, but i heard of a MMORPG that is suppossed to take place after everything on the movies


the third was way better then the second but in ancering all the Questions the movie left few if any quwstions to ponder and make you think. Shure there was a lot of sembolisum in the movie but that doesent make the movie good just cuz you have to think what did they mean by this. In the end if they had combind the last 2 movies with alot of editing the second might have been beter and we would have had a third to still look forward to. As of now i will wait for and other movies the workie brothers do to come out on DVD to see them and if any one has seen just the matrix never ever wach the other 2 you will olny be let down and disapointed.

Just my 2 bits and a chip

Sorry bout spelling

I went and saw the movie last night. I even paid extra to see the IMAX edition - if you have the choice, choose IMAX, it’s worth it! As a big fan of the preceding two, I was in high anticipation for the closing film. I wasn’t let down or disappointed at all. I thought the movie was great! And as for the ending; it was a little “strange”; not quite what I expected, but still turned out to be alright. I look forward to reading more of peoples’ opinions about the movie.


I’m probably going to see Revolutions tomorrow, but it’s really tempting to skip it. I’m scared that Revolutions is going to turn out to be Matrix: Episode I. Neo is already starting to invoke the Jar-Jar response in me, anyway.

i havent seen it yet but just read a spoiler about the ending and it does sound underwelming.

Don’t worry, they’ve got Jar-Jar covered. As far as I’m concerned “Kid” is Jar-Jar Binks.

I havent seen it yet or read any of the spoilers, but I hope 1 of 2 things happens, either the robots win, and the whole thing unfolds like a classical tragidy.

Or 2: Neo, Mr Anderson Just wakes up, and goes to work. And the whole thing was a dream.


I too saw the movie last night and was very disappointed. The first was a serious movie and could have easily been the first and last. Neo survived and triumphed . . the end. BUT, they had to make the second. What was that, a long drawn out jungle dance music video. Where the humans nuts?! I think so. The third was supposed to have been conclusive, but we have no idea how the conflict will resolve itself. There is no resolution between the machines and humans other than a temporary respite. Other than the weak plot and ending, however, the graphics and special effects were good. The fight scenes were fewer and shorter than the earlier movies. Did anyone realize who the trainman was or his most famous role? Think back about 20 years in the same country where this was filmed. And how much weight do those simple proteins put on one of the ship’s captains? Just some observations. I’m still a Matrix (1) fan, the others have been mostly entertaining fluff.

i wanted two things from matrix 3:
one- good philosophy
two- good fight scenes
i got neither

the fight scene at the end sucked
the philosophy was amazingly obvious and uncreative

well, i haven’t seen the movie yet but i’m surprised this doesn’t apply to all three.

…and this too. :smiley:

I got myself quite worked up when the second movie came out only to be severely disappointed (Trinity on a Ducati was all i really enjoyed in that movie). I got worked up for the revolutions in blind hopes that it would make-up for the overall suckiness of reloaded, and am now more disappointed than before… so many loose ends and bad plot twists… neo’s eye’s!!! What the hell was that!?! there was the French guy we don’t know what happened to, the architect who didn’t appear until the end… i still don’t know what his deal is… the “train man”… that damn 16 year old kid… the list (well my list i suppose) of questions seems to go on and on… and didn’t get answered in that amazingly weak ending (too much i could predict, too much that left me hanging, and too much of neo flying the hell around!!!) Despite what i thought, most of my friends thoroughly enjoyed it. Then again they liked the second one… odds are if you really liked reloaded you will enjoy revolutions… if not than don’t bother.

My friends and I expected the movie to be kind of like “Thirteenth Floor”, in which (sorry to spoil this movie, it’s pretty old anyway), there is a matrix within a matrix, meaning that when Neo and all that lot thought they were free of the original matrix, they were actually still in another matrix. This other matrix was a kind of fail safe system in case in case anyone escaped from the original matrix. This is why towards the end of the reloaded when the sentinels are coming for neo and he says “I can feel them”, and he puts his hand up and blows them up.

Anyway, that’s just wat my prediction was…

Going to see it in an hour. I’ll tell you what I think of it later.


the matrix has you…

So I saw it a few days ago. Not too bad. Much better then the second, but no where near as good as the first. I didn’t like any of the fight scenes much, and that was what I was looking forward to the most. I didn’t feel like it was a waste of my $9, but I could have gone with out seeing it for a while.

my $.02

allright im a little later to reply to this thread but oh well…As my profession in life is to analyze and study philosophies i think some of you may have missed part of the movie. The events occuring in the movie were of course predictable after the first movie. The movie trilogy was a bible story made high tech and more interesting. (If you want to know more about the story and how matrix follows it PM me). So you cannot blame the producers/writers/editors for any of the not so great plot twists or things you didnt understand, its your own damn fault for not understanding. As for the end leaving you hanging, i do not believe this is true, i have analyzed every character and the movies mapping as well as the bible story and have answers to most characters roles and questions people have…If you do not understand the ending you can wait a little while, it is popular rumor that a comic book will be released that takes up the story after the movies. I do not believe a 4th movie will ever be released, with the same title anyway.

theology references

re: Theology references

I saw the theology references.
I understood the theology references.
I still didn’t like the movie.
It was way too cheesy.
There was too much pop philosophy, and not enough real philosophy.
The original was better.
Elf was better.
Waterworld was better.

If you want good theological stimulus mixed with figting robots, watch Trigun or Neon Genesis: Evangelion. Then again, if you find fighting robots to be the mark of fine theology, you probably already know about Evangelion.

Revolutions was not as good as I hoped. It was better than I feared, but it was nowhere near the level of the original.


[Edit: And Jar-Jar, oops … the kid, really should died at the end. Slowly]

Re: theology references

:smiley: Wish that the producers and writers of Matrix never see this. They really will feel insulted.