Married/Engaged People How long did you date?

How long did you date your significant other before you became engaged?


If you aren’t married/engaged what’s the longest you’ve dated and had it end up not working out?

One date, about four hours. It just didn’t work out. She told me that I am like a robot because I am emotionless. I don’t really know what she meant by that but it sounded like a compliment, anyways we never went out again after that. I almost made out with her but then the cab showed up and we had to go. If that cab driver would have taken a few more minutes maybe I could have made out with her and then the date would have turned out differently.

2 years, lived together for a year of that. Didn’t work out, still friends though.

My lady and I were together 10 years before marrying last year.

My wife and I dated for 4 years before getting engaged. I think I was 16 when we started dating. More than half my life ago…

Wow. What a charmer. Classy :roll_eyes:

I knew my first wife for 5 years before we were married. Dated etc for a year or so. Marriage lasted 16 years. Should have been over in the first year.

I knew my second wife for 14 years before we married. Not sure we really dated. We worked together for 7 years, carpooled for a year. Still married after 18 years.

It takes the ladies a while to determine my worth or to just get used to me. I’m sure I am worth the wait. Relationships are complicated and should take time to gel.

1 year 8 months. started slowly going downhill after 1 year.

clearly…not meant for each other.

We met in 1988, probably moved in together in 1989, and got married in 1991.

This June is 20 years married!

I think we met in 1971. We were married in 1973. Our 38th anniversary is next Thursday. Should I buy her that card, “welcome to Dumpsville, population you?” Maybe that doesn’t express the right sentiment. I think I’ll just buy her some flowers and take her to dinner…or a pit bull fight.

Meet at college Feb 2007
Started dating Apr 2008
Engaged July 2009
Moved out together Jan 2010
Married Jan 2011

Wonder what’s going to happen next year… :wink:

what does it mean when they say: why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

That was a propaganda statement made by a covert republican cheese producing corporation.

We met through an online matchmaking service called It’s gone now but we’re still together. That was late 1998. Emails followed by phone calls, then our first date on 2/13/99. We got engaged on 9/9/99. Wanting an easy-to-remember anniversary, we got married on 7/1/00. Still going strong! :slight_smile:

First date 31/12/94 married 19/7/00 couldn’t be happier. All you have to do is wait until the right person comes along - it doesn’t work if you try and change the person you are with into the right person.

I think shortest length relationships would be more fun. I dated a girl for 2 days before, REALLY weren’t right for each other, polar opposites. She’s a cool person though, and a good lay :wink:

My longest was a bit scandalous, so I’m not sure it counts, since I wasn’t technically dating the girl (She already had a boyfriend) WHOOPS! Was about 8+ months though. Good and bad memories, but were still really good friends :slight_smile:

Well, I met my wife on; I was living in Maine and she was living in Colorado. We “dated” something like a year and a half before I proposed to her. I once asked my dad how you know you’ve found the right person and he’d say, “you just know”. I hated his response, but I understood once I met her. Been married 3yrs later and we’ve decided to learn something new together each year. This year; unicycling! She’s catching on very quickly, though she’s still having a mental block where she doesn’t want to let go of my fingers while she’s pedaling.

Maybe she just likes you. :slight_smile:

That might be a relative quote, but to me it means “why get married when you can have sex without getting hitched”. Hope that interpretation doesn’t say anything about me.

Ha ha, that sounds exactly like my girlfriend.

Get a prosthetic hand, and when she’s riding off holding your fingers, just let the hand go. She’ll never know.