so its march break and im off school for a week. im probly gonna be doing alot of riding…i just found a place in the woods with some awsome natural trials lines…im gonna spend most of my time there. what are you guys doing?
My school is on break too. I’m taking a break from studying the more analytic stuff (like math) to read the book, Ethics by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and also the second book in the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy. I’ll probably unicycle too, but no more than I usually do. I still have to work for a living.
I don’t get spring break per say, but I’m taking off a week for Moab MF, and another week after that when my friend is staying with us afterwards…
so two weeks of a lot of unicycling
i have spring break from like march 24 through april 3. im hopin to get a job in between there, and definitley film some stuff. get some of the tricks ive been working on down, and learn how to transition them. and go to the beach.
Im off until next Monday from school. Its going to be filled with riding. I think im going to make a vid of me just having fun. The riding will probably suck but it will be fun. Ha.
I’m working full time and doing college classes via distance edu., so no March break for me!
I’m back home on a 10 minute break.
March Break?
Spring Break?
anyway…I’m on it right now. gotta go riding, ta ta mate!
I think you mean Spring break…
and I’m hanging out at my dad’s…
maybe its a canadian thing…we call it march break and i guess you yanks call it spring break… i really dont see the difference but whatever
gonna be in florida
Maybe its a west coast thing, but we call it Spring Break…and yeah I’m on it right now. Humm, lets see probably it will go something like this: Tues - trials uni, Wed - 29’er, Thurs - MUni, Fri - back to the 20 inch, Sat - take a break…
I’m a teacher and my school doesn’t even have Summer Vacation, let alone Spring (March) Break.
- No summer break? WTH?
- Take a break, Erin? I’m disapointed
I’m going to mexico for a week!
Yeah, a school without summer vacation even…what school are you at? The only schools I have worked in that don’t have conventional holiday breaks were those in youth prisons.
Oh, ah, yeah, about that break…yeah, you’re right, why bother,…I have ammended my schedule…Saturday, teach the dawg to uni on the trials wheel…how’s that?!
i’ll probably b doin a little bit of ridin myself, it the weather ain’t crappy