Manual lawn mowers are making a comeback

Manual lawn mowers are making a comeback

Good news! Manual reel lawn mowers are great. The modern ones are smooth and easy to push. Back when I had to mow the parent’s lawn I used a manual reel mower. So quiet and peaceful while mowing. You also get to enjoy the smells of fresh cut grass instead of the fumes from a two cycle engine.

Considering the size of the lawns for city and suburban homes a gas powered mower is a huge waste and it annoys the neighbors. With luck the next bit of urban power equipment to go will be the gas powered leaf blowers. Damn the noise and the fumes. A rake and a broom work just fine.

Once you go reel you never go back. :slight_smile:

Doing the lawn with any kind of lawnmower is manual work, so ppl must of stopped mowing their laws for a while over there.
then just started a month ago or somethin. :smiley:

Here is a non-polluting riding lawn mower.

The lady riding this contraption is my aunt. She rode it in a recent parade.


You don’t want to get stuck behind the horses riding that during a parade. :smiley:

Id buy one of those if we had a lawn mower attatched to a unicycle!
i dont care if it polluted the atmosphere dooming us all the the greenhouse effect.

I’ve never used one but I’ve been wanting to try one for a while!
My lawn is HUGE though, we live on about an acre of land and lots of it is grass, so we do have a riding lawnmower…it’s really fun (:

Wouldn’t work for us. We have about 3 acres, and some of the grass is so thick our push-engine mower constantly gets choked on all the the clippings.

An acre of lawn would get to be a bit much with a manual reel mower or even a gas powered push power.

Back when I was in elementary school and jr high and high school we had small farm and about 4.5 acres total. Most of it was woods and unkempt pasture. One acre was fenced and maintained pasture area for the animals.

There was a lot of mowing that needed to be done just to keep up the presentable areas in front of the house. We made good use of a riding lawnmower. Had a three blade rotary mower attachment under the tractor. For the bigger jobs of hacking down weeds and such we had a sickle bar attachment.

But really, that is not a typical mowing and upkeep situation. Most people live more urban and don’t have farm pasture or areas of unkempt fields.

When the parents moved to an urban home I got them to get a manual reel mower.

GILD only uses manual mowers. We should keep this thread up so he can talk about it when he gets back.

I have a really old rusty manual lawn mower. I don’t like it very much.

We had one, i used to use it all the time and it was fun and took ages. Dad would get crabby and make me use the other one and then one day the manual one just dissapeared.

What an eerie coicidence. I spent yesterday and today mowing my double lot with a motorized power-drive mower, and thinking how sick I am of the fuel, the noise, the vibration. I’ve seriously been thinking of getting a manual reel. Not only relive my childhood, I’d be helping the environment and maybe getting a better workout as well.

Seeing this thread almost makes me think there’s an omniscient force compelling me to get one. :smiley:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I speak from experience (unicycles in many a parade)

now they just need a way to figure out a human-powered leaf blower… :angry:

I grew up mowing half an acre with a motorized push mower. That’s a lot of grass too…

The irony here is that when I moved out of the suburbs and into the city, the first thing I noticed was how peaceful it was to not hear 2-stroke engines guzzling nearby.

I like the sound of a distant riding lawnmower as I drive past in my car with the windows down smelling the fresh-cut grass. It’s a very summery sound and smell that when combined with a warm, sunny summer day gives me that “ah, life is good” feeling. Don’t take that away from me.

That being said, I’ve also been considering buying this. (check out Lehman’s – they have a lot of cool stuff.)

Now that I have a son old enough to cut grass, I am all in favor of manual lawn mowers.

that is nasty

My dad refused to buy a ride on lawn mower for the entirity on my adolesence (and even with a petrol mower with driven roller the lawns took 3 to 4 hours to cut). By the time I’d returned from my first 8 weeks of uni guess what was sitting in the garage? :smiley:

thats even nastier.

The thing is he paid me by the hour to mow so actually a sit on would have destroyed my funds generation, so not all bad.