beer saves lives…
I read that story here yesterday. It reads almost like a hoax. Why didn’t he just pour the beer on the snow instead of consuming it and then peeing it all out?
duh?! Cause it ain’t as much fun?
just pouring it on the snow would be alcohol abuse.
Alcohol abuse is getting drunk and then sticking your arm in a bag with a very poisonous snake.
He needed to warm it up.
Beer freezes at a lower temperature than water. I think it freezes at somewhere around -2 Celsius or maybe even a little lower. It should work to melt snow without the need to warm it up first by running it through your body.
The man (wether real or not) is a hero.
A real man.
Ah. Currently undetermined. I’m thinking that it will turn out to be false.
“Always carry a flask of whiskey in case of snake bite. And furthermore, always carry a snake.” - WC Fields