"Man on the Street": Extreme Unicycling

While at the beach today I interviewed average people about unicycling, and how much they know about it as an extreme sport. I also brought some clips on my Mp3 player to show them what an old fart can do on one wheel. Got some great responses!

Terry, is that guy on the 36 on a uni for the first time? If so he’s a natural.

Nope, its not read the youtube comments. For a sec I was really impressed though.

He said that he knew how to ride and owns a 28", which is mostly like a “Sun” like I first bought when I re-started in 12/05. But even with his experience riding a uni, he quickly found out that there is definitely a learning curve for the big wheel, especially with the aerobars and 110mm cranks. But he still gave it a valiant effort, and with sandals no less! :smiley:

Unicycling: it’s great for your thighs.

That’ll be my new motto…

Haha, I loved how she was so matter-of-fact and serious about it. When I initially rode by them (she was with friend) I heard her say something like, “that’s impressive”, and after I’d gone a good 100 yards past them I happened to look back, and they were still standing there watching. So I decided to go back and do a little interview.

For me it only seems to build the muscles on the outside of my thighs, makking my knees look bent. :frowning:

Beat you to it :wink:

That’s the spirit!

Now we just need the T-shirts and bumper stickers…

What kind of riding do you do? I try to vary my riding with MUni, road climbing, distance and some trials. Also, when I’m descending down steep hill I try to use mostly back pressure to exercise other leg muscles as well, including the calves.