Hey everyone. Good to see the forum is as good as ever. Hope everyone on it is doing great too. I am!!
I havnt been on the site for ages, as I started work, so I have much less time on he computer now, and havnt had time to browse the forum.
Anyways, I havnt been out on my trials for ages either, until this morning that is!
Again, been really busy, and other things have taken up my free time. Last night I thought it would be a good idea to go out in the morning (this morning), but usually when ever I do that, its raining or something. Anyways, I woke this morning, had a peek out my bedroom window, and the sun was shineing down the street and into my window.
My sister made me a sausage sandwich, as I got ready. I blew my tyre up, as my trials had been standing for so long, it had lost air.
I went out, and started off small. Doing ‘easy’ things, to get warmed up. I started going bigger, and doing things I used to do last year, and in the summer. I thought I might have ‘lost it’, but no, mann, ive still got it!
I rode down to the seafront, and did some trials there. its great, but it was rather windy today. Wind = more challenge!
I did some new things I hadnt even tried before, such as hoping up almost vertical(ish) walls, which really tests your wheel control, and leg strength, and I did a few new lines over a couple of bins
I feel so good! I just love unicycling.
Hope everyone else is feeling just as good,