Male and female first names

I know a girl named Acok (pronounched Ah-Chuck haha)

Meh, locality issue. International forum and all that jazz.

Life ain’t easy for a Boy Named Sue

Makes me think of



Interesting you say “standard”.

When I was a kid these would have been predominately associated with male. Shows how times change!

I think Butch is frequently used for both genders.

Casey is a good gender-neutral name.

Not really interesting, since the way our society works it’s a lot more acceptable for a male name to shift to include females than it is the other way around (sometimes our culture is so stupid :roll_eyes: ). Additionally, most of those are abbreviations of old names that are basically the same for male/female except for the suffix, which is lopped off in the process of abbreviation.


Nah just kidding

Having a gender-neutral name would be convenient for those considering a sex-change operation. Less red tape.

that does not always work since: Claude and Dominique may be boys name: but you may have also Marie or Anne (yes these may be boys’ name!)
now ending with an “e” could be also a specific boy’s name : Fulgence :p, Côme, Pacôme, etc.

How bout Jackie. There was Jackie Coogan the child actor in the 1920’s.

I was about to say that I beat you to it. But when I looked back in this thread, I realized I didn’t post the name Jackie (even though I recently came here specifically to do just that).

We have our very own guy named Jackie right here on the forums.


Do abbreviations count? How about Van? There was Van Johnson, the actor, and I know a couple of ladies who go by Van (short for Vanessa…might have the spellig wrong but you know what I mean). That should work.

Bill Cosby:

In this context, Dammit and Jesus Christ would work for boys or girls.

I often wondered what they used for those operations. I wonder why red tape?

How 'bout Kelly and Billy…maybe, might depend on spelling, if it doesn’t matter then how bout Gene and Josie (ok I’m getting help here but you wanted names, right?) How 'bout Lynn?

By the way uni57,

Opps…didn’t mean to step in the way. It’s like Grandmother used to always say, “great minds think alike”.


Somehow, I thought you suggested (uni)57, Tincher Teach. Then I re-read and realized I was mistaken… so I am being bold and suggesting it myself!

BTW, where is uni57 ?? !!!

uni57! You must be really busy. We haven’t seen one of your very interesting long notes in quite awhile. You surely will have some catching up to do next time you have time to sit down and start writing. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the smiles Tincher Teach! :slight_smile:

Rhys / Rees / Reese / Reece

Thought of it because it’s my name. But which version? :wink: