Making a Fun Box

After learning to grind I was frustrated by the lack of areas there were to grind on, while there are lots of benches at schools, grinding these tends to munch them up badly, and the last thing I want to do is spend money on fines or repairing benches.

And so I decided to build a fun box, not only will I be able to use this for grinding, but hopping up, practising crank/pedal grabs and using with my sandwich boards. I think it will be a very handy piece of equipment and will be good to have at home, meaning I can get it out when ever.
I searched the net to find some designs and decided to go with one similar to this:
Mine will be smaller as Im using what scrap wood I can find, I think mine will be somewhere around 93cm wide and 139 cm long.
So my question to you is: Does anyone have any advice/tips they have on fun box building. Especially any past experiences which may help me. Any advice will be appreciated. Also what would be a good hight to have it. Im thinking of going to school and measuring a bench as they are a nice hight.

Oh and one last thing will somewhere around 8mm plywood (with reinforcing) be able to hold me and my uni (about 55 Kg?)

:frowning: anybody?

my “fun box” is about 5ft long, 2ft wide and 2ft tall

2 ft is a little tall so my only advice would be don’t build it that high

Be sure to make it long enough to get a decent grind out of it.


Look at the design of this box. It might be more simple and easy to build. It’s basically a 2x4 frame, with 2 support 2x4s in between, with 2x4 legs. Plywood on top, and angle iron on the sides. It’s slanted so the grind moves better. The height is perfect for learning to grind on, but may be too low once you get a bit more advanced

Watch a vid of the grind box here: (only 500 kb)



The grindbox is also in this vid, as well as a homemade grinding rail.



My fun box is the Stairs of Death (Gallery Pics).

They are made out of one 4’x8’ sheet of 3/4" plywood with 2x4 reinforcements. I have added an additional 2x4 across the center of the two foot span.

They offer 8", 16", and 24" platforms and is great for stair practice, jumping practice, crank grabs, and pedal grabs. They are not conducive to to grinding though.

It has proven to be a great show/demo prop.

Thanks for all that guys.

Thans for the idea, but I intend on using the box for more then just grinding so I think to do this it would be best to have a flat box.

Thanks, I’ll keep it under 2 foot :slight_smile:

Im only working with scrap wood and the piece of plywood I have is 139cm long, so I have to work with that, but I think it should be long enough, for now anyway.

Like I said to Jess, I intend to just make a flat box, but those stairs definatley look cool - maybe a later project :smiley:

Well I think I have gathered enough wood to begin making this fun box now, and holidays have just begun so I have plenty of time - I’ll keep you posted on how I get along.
Before i go one lasted question: Does anybody know where I can get angle irons from???
